Monday, January 25, 2010


I started writing on my thesis in earnest today. I have a deadline for my proposal draft and I am going to start my paper for publication next week. At least thats the plan. I feel like AGU was the turning point and now I am on the downward run towards graduation. My work space at school is almost ready for serious writing, there are a few changes that need to be made, but overall today was productive.

I am always scared to write for some reason. I never want to put too much or sound stupid so if you see more dribble here I am just trying to flex my writing arm and get things flowing again.

so on that note, classes started! I was given my reading list for the first week and just looked at it, thought about how many papers I was going to be reading and went strait to the store to buy a well its a fancy box designed for file folders to keep all my papers organized. One of these days I am going to get a big file cabinet and get all my papers organized, or all my pdfs in one place. right now its all a big mess!

I am starting to get back into the swing of living in the north, only forgot to plug in the truck once so far, and I would say that is pretty good!

my computer is all organized with new directories for my classes, my desk is cleaned, and I am ready for classes to hit me!

Oh yeah and I am going on a trip to Bolivia to install a seismic network in April! YAY!


amir said...

You have a very busy mind(brain).
I think you need a longtime rest as mi.
and i am a pour ph.D student!!!

A Life Long Scholar said...

Keeping papers/pdfs organized seems to me to be vital. I use a citation program to handle my references in my papers (wonderful things!) and use that program to also track *where* each paper is. I added one field for "format", and record if I've got that paper as a pdf, in paper, or if it is in the library (or where ever), and another field for "catagory" where I record the name of the folder in which the pdf is located (or would be, if it were a pdf) using key words like "experiments" or "P-T paths".

This was *so* valuable as I neared the late stage of my writing and needed to go back and look again at things I'd cited early on, and I could go straight to the document, rather than lose minutes (or hours) trying to find it. (I filed the paper versions alpha by author, since it is the author's name by which it is mentioned when I cite it.)

CM said...

One of the biggest hurdles for me was just to start writing. Get words on the screen. The first draft of a section will be crap, but rewriting and editing are where it comes together, and you need something to work with.

Also your post makes me think you're at UAF (plugging in cars and your poster title). I got my B.S. there and worked for a number of years. Enjoy it.

Anna said...

thanks for the comments! and yes I am at UAF!