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Wednesday, 25 May 2022

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Community-Led Science Uncovers High Air Pollution From Fracking in Ohio County 

State of the Planet [15:27:15]  recommend  recommend this post  (360 visits) info
In a collaboration that included Columbia researchers, Belmont County residents set up a low-cost sensor network that is helping them fight for clean

un nuovo dicco basaltico si sta intrudendo sotto la penisola di Reykjanes: l'inizio di un nuovo ciclo di frequenti eruzioni nell'area si fa sempe più probabile 

scienzeedintorni [08:15:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (358 visits) info
Il servizio meteorologico islandese ha appena pubblicato un interferogramma (una carta con la differenza nella distanza dal satellite dei cluster di due immagine InSAR che ritraggono la stessa scena in tempi diversi), che vediamo qui accanto, dove è evidente un forte sollevamento a nord della cittadina di Grindavik. Il sollevamento è accompagnato da una sismicità frequente con punte di M massima di 3.5. Negli ultimi giorni la sismicità è presente anche più a ovest, in mare. Sono [...]

Mapping the Interior of the Earth 

Geology in the West Country [11:12:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (335 visits) info
Mapping the Interior of the Earth  A correspondent has sent me THIS LINK. The article is based on THIS PAPER. The original authors have used seismic shear waves that diffract along the core mantle boundary [...]

Dinosaurs Lost, Mammals Won - How? 

Geology in the West Country [11:59:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (308 visits) info
Dinosaurs Lost, Mammals Won - How?  We all know that at the end of the Cretaceous dinosaurs became extinct and that mammals inherited the Earth. We know much about the extinction, less about the success of [...]

Exposició de fotografia geològica "Les petjades del temps" (Manresa, Bages) 

Bloc de camp [23:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (123 visits) info
Excepcionalment no dedicaré l'entrada d'aquest blog a un espai geològic i us comminaré a visitar l'exposició Les petjades del temps, obra del geòleg, editor científic i geofotògraf català resident a [...] EGU 2022 – how cold was the LGM (again)? 

James’ Empty Blog [08:36:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (106 visits) info
I haven’t blogged in ages but have actually done a bit of work. Specifically, I eventually wrote up my new reconstruction of the Last Glacial Maximum. We did this back in 2012/3 (see here) but since then [...]

Recensione di "Prehistoric Planet" - Episodio 2 

Theropoda [07:55:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (67 visits) info
Fauna nemegtiana in contesto djadochtianoNel secondo episodio di "Prehistoric Planet", siamo condotti in contesti desertici.L'episodio di apre con la spettacolare scena di combattimento tra due [...]


ARCHEA [18:29:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (21 visits) info
Trilobite and Sea Scorpion Fossil TrackwaysThis is a very interesting block with wee trace fossil trackways from our Mississippian seas some 359.2 million to 318.1 million years ago. It shows a nice [...]

Summer 2022 Internship Opportunity with the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment 

State of the Planet [15:06:51]  recommend  recommend this post  (317 visits) info
A summer internship is available with the COMET Initiative. Applications will be accepted on a rolling

Fusilando sin piedad: Gorgosaurus after Burian 

Koprolitos [13:46:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (283 visits) info
Hace mucho tiempo que no comentamos nada en relación a aquellos "palehomenajes" que nuestro colaborador Javi Godoy desgranaba en la sección "Fusilando sin piedad". Él mismo nos puso tras la pista de esta [...]

Continuous battle between warm and cold mucks up our weather 

Ontario-geofish [22:52:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (120 visits) info
 Our temperature is going up and down like a yo-yo.  A new cold air glacier comes down and wins a bit of territory, and the warm air comes up to hit it.  I put my new furnace on 'auto', which is air [...]

La più Grande Cospirazione nella storia della Paleontologia 

Theropoda [11:47:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (75 visits) info
 (c) Luis ReyAll'evoluzione degli uccelli a partire dai dinosauri ho dedicato ormai un ventennio di studi. La mia tesi di laurea, del 2003, era incentrata su alcuni problemi relativi alla ricostruzione di [...]

Up the steep slopes for a trace fossil reward in Dammeron Valley 

Wooster Geologists [11:25:54]  recommend  recommend this post  (33 visits) info
Today Team Utah 2022 climbed the outcrops in Dammeron Valley, north of St. George, to collect trace fossils from the Co-op Creek Limestone Member of the Carmel Formation (Middle Jurassic). It was a bit of a [...] | Impressum