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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

Blog post recommendation

Baryonyx Vs Suchomimus

Baryonyx: 9-10m long, 2-3.4m tall, 3.5 tonnes Pro’s: 1. Had a (slightly) stronger bite because of the (slightly) shorter jaws. 2. Was faster 3. Could hunt a variety of prey 4. Had a (slightly) stronger build Con’s: 1. Was smaller 2. Weighed less Suchomimus: 10-12 long, 3.5m tall, 3-5 tonnes Pro’s: 1. Was larger 2. Heavier 3. More intimidating 4. Had more sharper, curved, serrated teeth - and more [...] | Impressum