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Yousry Attia, Egypt’s principal vertebrate paleontologist, died on Oct. 11, 2008.

Yousry Attia 1952-2008
(Pronounced ‘you-sree at-taay-a’)

Dr. Yousry Attia was Egypt’s principal vertebrate paleontologist. He received his Bachelor’s degree in geology from Cairo University, and worked for many years with Duke, Michigan and Penn paleontologists. Yousry rose to become director of the Egyptian Geological Museum, where he retired in 2006.

Yousry was born on February 6, 1952, and died one week ago, October 11, 2008. He died at the airport in Cairo on his way to continue a paleontological field project in Saudi Arabia.

Yousry is survived by his wife Ekram, two sons Saad El-Din and Mohammed, and
two daughters Venus and Marwa, living in Cairo. 

Biography and photo courtesy of Philip D. Gingerich. | Impressum