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As celebrated in this Ars Technica piece, the 2010s was ‘the decade of the exoplanet’. Largely thanks to the Kepler telescope, the past ten years has seen an explosion in exoplanet discoveries. More than 4000 planets have now been identified [...]
It's been 20 years of blogging, more or less, I can't remember. I started out in the 80's making earthquake comments on Usenet, then my big splash was pointing out a huge security hole with the new BMX online banking. They retired that name and [...]
Venus is even higher in the evening sky this month. Look in the southwest at dusk for the brightest thing there. Mars is higher in the morning sky each day this month. Look low in the east at dawn. Jupiter begins to emerge into the morning sky [...]
Die Aktivität am Ätna auf Sizilien scheint wieder leicht zuzunehmen. Das LGS registrierte mit seinen Infraschall-Mikrofonen Geräusche, die von explosiver Tätigkeit herrühren könnten und brachte eine “early Warning” der Stufe gelb heraus. [...]
Grapevine Mountains in Death Valley National Park
When I first began to think about what I wanted to do with my life sometime in my teens, I knew I wanted a job that would take me outdoors for much of the time. When I was in high school, [...]
Entre el 15 y el 21 del pasado diciembre de 2019 tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Valencia el Sexagésimo Tercer Encuentro Anual de la Asociación Paleontológica, y como en muchos otros eventos de este tipo, varios miembros del Grupo de Biología [...]
Evidence suggests that this major ocean current, which influences the weather in parts of Europe and the U.S., is already
Not that any of my readers would be deluded enough to think that this is going to go away any time soon, just because Johnson wants to pretend it will.
Brexit, in some form or other, is going to start actually happening at the end of the month. [...]
Hello all,It has been a few years since I last updated Views of the Mahantango. I have been dealing with multiple issues that included moving house which precluded me from writing new entries. I have still been collecting fossils but in a much [...]
Conservation initiatives in the region can only be successful when they transcend boundaries, much the same way nature itself transcends