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Monday, 08 April 2013

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Earth from Orbit in 2012 Best Planet Views 

Central Arizona Geology Club [23:56:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (48 visits) info
Best Earth Views 2012 Harry

Central Reservoir 

Oakland Geology [23:52:41]  recommend  recommend this post  (118 visits) info
Central Reservoir is operated by EBMUD, but it’s much older. It’s the weird-looking steel-covered field north of Sausal Creek. This is a view looking over the reservoir from Ardley Avenue toward the hills. That’s the Altenheim on the left, across I-580, and of course the LDS temple with Redwood Peak behind it. The reservoir was

NASA Selects TESS, a "Follow-on" to Kepler 

The Dragon’s Tales [23:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (30 visits) info
Following a three-year competition, NASA has selected the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) project at MIT for a planned launch in 2017. The space agency announced the mission — to be funded by a [...]

Thin Ice — the movie 

Real Climate [22:52:50]  recommend  recommend this post  (133 visits) info
Some of my friends have made a film, Thin Ice, which tells the story of CO2 and climate from the standpoint of the climate scientists who are out there in the trenches trying to figure out what is going on. I [...]

Boston Dynamics' PETMAN: A Step Closer to the Terminator 

The Dragon’s Tales [22:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (37 visits) info

Knete verschlingt Magneten 

Mente et Malleo [20:32:01]  recommend  recommend this post  (89 visits) info
Hüpfender Kitt schon eine ziemlich coole Sache. Eigentlich eine simple Knetmasse auf Silikonbasis. Aber ganz so simpel eben doch nicht. Man kann damit ziemlich viele faszinierende Dinge machen. Denn die [...]

Grijalva’s anti-jobs bills 

Wry Heat [19:23:08]  recommend  recommend this post  (64 visits) info
Southern Arizona Representative Raul Grijalva, friend to the pygmy owl and illegal immigration, who a few years ago encouraged businesses to boycott Arizona, is continuing his anti-mining, anti-jobs, [...]

Weekend Adventures 

The Dragon’s Tales [19:03:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (38 visits) info
It was the end of the season and he is now ready for greens and blues.  Too bad his height is an issue.  Next

Daily Geology Photos – April 8 

Geology News [18:21:22]  recommend  recommend this post  (38 visits) info
A summary of photos posted on flickr today, tagged with “geology.” Displayed below are 44 geology-related photos were added to flickr today. Similar Posts on Geology News: Daily Geology Photos [...]

A call for increased public engagement in geology higher education (Geology Today) 

Geo-HeritageScience [17:56:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (101 visits) info
So, it has finally arrived! My first academic article available for free on my blog. Please click on the link below to access the .pdf version of the article, and please leave any thoughts on the article in [...]

Geology Photo of the Week #29 

GeoSphere [15:54:55]  recommend  recommend this post  (1074 visits) info
The photo this week is of another self collected beauty. I collected this piece below at the Marmoraton Iron Mine in Marmora, Ontario a few years ago. When I found it none of the garnet crystals you see were [...]

Washington DNR Releases Preliminary Report on Whidbey Island Landslide [15:16:37]  recommend  recommend this post  (102 visits) info
Onsite Visit Leads To Ledgewood-Bonair Landslide Quick Report OLYMPIA – The Washington State Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology & Earth Resources has released their quick report on [...]

The Aguacaliente Fault, source of the Cartago 1910 destructive earthquake (Costa Rica) 

José A. Álvarez-Gómez [15:04:19]  recommend  recommend this post  (70 visits) info
I proudly present here the first publication of my Ph.D. student Jorge Alonso Henar. In this paper we present the results of the paleoseismological and neotectonical research developed in Costa Rica in close [...]

Photo finalists! Do you have a favourite? 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [12:00:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (44 visits) info
The selection committee received close to 200 photos for this year’s EGU Photo Competition, covering fields across the geosciences. The stunning finalist photos are below and they are being exhibited in [...]

What's Up with Gasoline Prices? 

Energy Policy Blog [09:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (21 visits) info
At the end of March, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a proposed rule that requires gasoline to have only 10 parts per million (ppm) of sulfur by 2017. This is a 60 percent cut from the [...]

La lámpara coprolítica de James Gurney 

Koprolitos [08:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (41 visits) info
James Gurney, creador de Dinotopia, nos sorprendía la semana pasada con un nuevo artículo para el hogar relacionado con la exitosa saga. Esto es lo que decía Gurney: "Trabajando con eminentes paleontólogos [...]

Plummeting Gas Share from the Gulf of Mexico News [07:53:23]  recommend  recommend this post  (38 visits) info
The Energy Information Administration reports on the falling natural gas production rates from the Gulf of Mexico and the plummeting share of United States natural gas being produced in the

Night at the Museum: LACM’s Camp Dino 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [07:37:56]  recommend  recommend this post  (60 visits) info
Last night London and I spent the night in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM), as part of the Camp Dino overnight adventure. So we got lots of time to roam the exhibit halls when they [...]

Georadar on active (?) faults in Oman 

Paleoseismicity [07:20:28]  recommend  recommend this post  (62 visits) info
I am currently at GUtech in Oman, a sister university of RWTH Aachen University, for teaching Geophysics and I spend most of the free time in the field with my colleague Gösta Hoffmann. On Friday we went to [...]

U.S. copper production at 3-year high; Arizona's Ray mine up 9% 

Arizona Geology [05:51:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (51 visits) info
The USGS reports that US copper production increased by 5% from that in 2011 and was at its highest level since 2009, although refined copper production decreased.  Smelter reduction was offset by higher [...]

Cretaceous Turritella Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [01:01:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (106 visits) info
Gastropod fossil called Turritella sp. from the Cretaceous Period (about 70 million years ago). It was found near Tupelo,

Monday Geology Picture(s): Gold Reef City– Trains 

Georneys [22:55:20]  recommend  recommend this post  (47 visits) info
I have a few more pictures to share with you from my September 2012 visit to Gold Reef City, a gold mining themed amusement park in Johannesburg, South Africa. Check out some of my previous “Monday [...]

Found in the ground - grouping materials 

Earth Learning Idea [22:23:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (45 visits) info
This week's new Earthlearningidea is 'Found in the ground: sorted!'  This activity is an introduction to classification using things 'found in the ground'. Pupils are provided with a box of assorted items, [...]

In Search of… the Sea Snake 

History of Geology [20:35:27]  recommend  recommend this post  (41 visits) info
In October 1845 Lyell was visiting Boston, when he noted an advertisement proclaiming that a “Dr.” Albert C. Koch would exhibit the 114 foot long skeleton of “that colossal and terrible [...]

Theropod Dinosaurs Were Good Swimmers 

The Dragon’s Tales [20:28:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (65 visits) info
A University of Alberta researcher has identified some of the strongest evidence ever found that dinosaurs could paddle long distances. Working together with an international research team, U of A graduate [...]

Up Goer Five: writing excercises 

GeoMika [19:05:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (817 visits) info
The Up-Goer Five meme of explaining science in less than 1,000 words received some belated criticism of being a poor exercise in science communication. Yes, just like not every article should be a one-draft [...]

Get rid of garlic mustard, now 

GeoEcology [18:32:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (51 visits) info
Early spring is a great time to go after your local garlic mustard infestation. Garlic mustard is an invasive herb spreading rapidly through Midwestern landscapes and beyond. Its a leafy green monster crowding [...]

Looking back at the Upper Mississippi River, moving forward 

Watershed Hydrogeology Blog [18:02:36]  recommend  recommend this post  (53 visits) info
A student and I are working on finishing a project that has lingered for too many years: a careful analysis of the cumulative effects of river management on islands in the lower part of Pool 6 of the [...]

Paranoia Over Google Mapping Tools Persists In Indian Officialdom 

Reporting on a Revolution [17:50:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (42 visits) info
sigh... I keep writing about this only partly as comedy.. but mostly in frustration... From an article in the Hindu about the recently held "mapathon"contest organized by Google. As Delhi Police [...]

Curiosity continues to rock on Mars 

Geological Society of London blog [15:54:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (838 visits) info
This was originally posted at: NASA might be having a rain-check on its outreach activities, but that’s not why Curiosity has gone silent the last few days. Every [...]

Nevada's Valley of Fire - A Tortured and Magnificent Desert Landscape 

Earthly Musings [15:13:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (69 visits) info
I just finished a fantastic four-day exploration of Nevada's Valley of Fire State Park. The trip was a reunion of sorts with past students and friends from my teaching days at Yavapai College in Prescott and [...]

Nice plume 

Mountain Beltway [12:45:33]  recommend  recommend this post  (46 visits) info

Another scene from the South Page Valley Martinsburg outcrop featured here last week: a slightly mud-bedecked example of plumose structure. This plume occurs within a single graded bed (turbidite) of the [...]

Geosciences Information for Teachers Workshops 

GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [10:00:23]  recommend  recommend this post  (82 visits) info
The EGU’s Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) programme offers teachers the opportunity to hone their skills in the Earth Sciences.  The General Assembly Workshop is one of GIFT’s most [...]

What's Up with Gasoline Prices? 

Energy Policy Blog [09:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (6 visits) info
At the end of March, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a proposed rule that requires gasoline to have only 10 parts per million (ppm) of sulfur by 2017. This is a 60 percent cut from the [...]

Una pollopsicofonía filogenética 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [08:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (36 visits) info
Esta claro que hay personas que se adelantan a su tiempo y que, de alguna forma, intuyen el futuro o lo desconocido. Y, así como William Beebe ya había propuesto (o intuido) en 1905 la existencia de [...]

Female Geoscience Degree Rates News [07:38:42]  recommend  recommend this post  (72 visits) info
“AGI’s Geoscience Currents investigates female degree rates in the major fields in the earth sciences – atmospheric science, geography, geoscience/geology, and ocean science.” Quoted [...]

Low Arctic Clouds and Ice Sheet Melting News [07:32:26]  recommend  recommend this post  (47 visits) info
“Clouds over the central Greenland Ice Sheet last July were “just right” for driving surface temperatures there above the melting point, according to a new study by scientists funded by the [...]

Energy Consumption Growth in India News [07:04:26]  recommend  recommend this post  (52 visits) info
India is the fourth-largest energy consumer in the world, has the tenth-largest economy, and the third largest economy when GDP is adjusted for inflation and purchasing power. This inflation-adjusted GDP has [...]

Around the web — 4/7/2013 — Archean jellyfish? Homeschool uncritical thinking? An atheist’s journey! 

The GeoChristian [01:17:35]  recommend  recommend this post  (940 visits) info
Jellied jellyfish — The cover of the April 2013 Journal of Creation has a picture of a jellyfish, with a caption that states “Fossil Jellyfish from Western Australia: Challenging Geological [...] | Impressum