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Wednesday, 19 July 2023

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Cottage Report - July 19, 2023 

Ontario-geofish [22:01:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (224 visits) info
 Now we finally have nice weather.  June was hot and smoky, and the beginning of July was too hot.  It's nice now, with sun and thunder storms forming around us.  I am enjoying my new Chromebook, which has a keyboard and nice screen.  Wife thinks it is too large, but it's great for the cottage.The bandwidth is horrible here, and I'm waiting for a picture, but it takes

Improving our understanding of the impact history of the Stac Fada Member, NW Scotland 

Earth & Solar System [17:37:26]  recommend  recommend this post  (151 visits) info
Written by: Arty Goodwin, University of Manchester When a huge meteor or comet hits into Earth, the resultant impact is similar to a huge explosion! Meteor collisions carve out craters into solid rock, scooping out and ejecting material over the … Continue reading →

Fossil prep updates: beluga, fur seal, and Herpetocetus specimens from the Purisima Formation of California 

The Coastal Paleontologist [15:46:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (72 visits) info
We had some great luck while on our May field trips in coastal California, as reviewed in my last couple of posts. Sarah and I have added a few more scientifically significant specimens to the faunal list [...]

Stagnant weather with blobs continues 

Ontario-geofish [13:43:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (62 visits) info
 It continues.  The Summer of Blobs.  Europe is getting a tiny bit of Atlantic action.  Meanwhile, we are doomed --And I love his version of the global temperature chart.Wow, I'm a total

El pasado a través de las pinturas de Travis Chapman 

Koprolitos [09:53:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (229 visits) info
Travis Chapman reside en Spokane (Washington, Estados Unidos), donde fue al University High School y posteriormente a la University of Washington. No tenía un objetivo claro en lo que respecta a sus [...]

Alumna Profile: Lauren Faber O’Connor 

State of the Planet [14:30:44]  recommend  recommend this post  (61 visits) info
Lauren Faber O’Connor was recently awarded the 2023 GSAS Dean’s Award for Distinguished Achievement, which recognizes recipients for their profound impact on academia and on the world at

Presencia de tortugas dortókidas en Gran Bretaña 

Dinosaurios (el cuaderno de Godzillín) [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (223 visits) info
Un nuevo espécimen de tortuga, identificado como el registro más antiguo de pan-Pleurodira en el Reino Unido, y correspondiente al único hallazgo de este linaje en los niveles mesozoicos de este país, ha [...]

Psittacosaurus vs Repenomamus... fossile superbo o super-fake? 

Theropoda [08:10:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (29 visits) info
Due viste del fossile descritto da Han et al. (2023) La paleontologia ci ha abituati a scoperte incredibili, letteralmente fuori dall'ordinario. Penso ai celebri "dinosauri combattenti" scoperti [...] | Impressum