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Posts treating: "best reference"

Monday, 27 July 2015

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Kozlowskiellina perlamellosa brachiopod from the Kalkberg formation of New York. 

Views of the Mahantango [2015-07-27 09:01:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (183 visits) info

 Devonian,Silurian; DE,US
This next fossil is one that always gives me trouble when naming it. Some refer to it as Kozlowskiellina and some as Delthyris. Both are very similar shells and appear to be valid names. The former seems to be confined to the Silurian and lower Devonian while the latter ranges from the Silurian up into the lower Mississippian (based on what I read on the website). The best reference found that lists the fauna of the Kalkberg formation (L.V. Rickard and D.H. Zenger. 1964. [...] | Impressum