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Posts treating: "new preprint"

Thursday, 08 October 2015

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The 14 beautiful cervicals of Kaatedocus 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [2015-10-08 00:46:14]  recommend  recommend this post  (168 visits) info
Well, I’m a moron again. In the new preprint that I just published, I briefly discussed the six species of sauropod for which complete necks are known — Camarasaurus lentus (but it’s a juvenile), Apatosaurus louisae (but the last three and maybe C5 are badly damaged), Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis (but all the vertebrae are broken and distorted), Shunosaurus lii,

My most depressing paper 

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week [2015-10-06 19:58:30]  recommend  recommend this post  (174 visits) info
I have a new preprint up at PeerJ (Taylor 2015), and have also submitted it simultaneously for peer review. In a sense, it’s not a paper I am happy about, as its title explains: “Almost all known sauropod necks are incomplete and distorted“. This paper has been a while coming, and much of the content will be | Impressum