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News from the Geoblogosphere feed

New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

PING!!!: Paleonews

2009-07-20 – Chiba, Japan: Dinosaur show - 2009-07-20 02:04:28 211292009-07-20 – Chiba, Japan: Dinosaur show
2009-07-17 – USA: Terizinosaur, Nothronychus graffami - 2009-07-17 23:51:57 21061
2009-07-13 – New Theropod: Kemkemia auditorei (Cau & Maganuco, 2009) - 2009-07-13 23:19:58 20793
2009-07-12 – Australia: World’s Oldest Dinosaur Burrow - 2009-07-12 17:54:46 20734
2009-07-09 – Scoperti i più grandi denti di dinosauro (Spain, biggest dinosaurs teeth) UPDATED - 2009-07-10 01:31:21 20612
2009-07-06 – La masticazione degli Adrosauri (chewing of Adrosaurs) - 2009-07-06 20:53:05 20413
2009-07-05 – Indonesian elephant fossil - 2009-07-05 14:31:32 20347
2009-07-04 – Myanmar: nuovo Primate fossile (new fossil Primate) - 2009-07-04 20:03:32 20333
2009-09-03 – Australia: 3 nuovi dinosauri (Australia, 3 new dinosaurs) - 2009-07-03 20:47:26 20303
2009-07-02 – Germania: Flauto preistorico (Germany, Prehistoric Flute) - 2009-07-02 23:59:00 20249 | Impressum