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Contributed by Adriana Piña, GSA Graduate Student Research Grant Recipient As Isla Tortuga is a relatively young volcano in the central Gulf of California, Mexico, one might expect it to be frequently visited by geologists. However, after Rodey [...]
While there have been some recent set-backs within science and climate research and disturbing news about NOAA, there is also continuing efforts on responding to climate change. During my travels to Mozambique and Ghana, I could sense a real [...]
The new ELI today is "Essential Minerals for the Green Revolution – 8 Critical Minerals; essential mineral – critical mineral: what is the difference?"This ELI defines the purpose of a national [...]
All my natgas worries may come now. Ps at sugar Beach. With boat you can visit even though thugs try to say you
An M.S. in Sustainability Science graduate reflects on the pros and cons of running marathons—for people and the
When our paper on neural canal ridges came out last year (Atterholt et al. 2024), I hoped that it would inspire other people to go peer inside neural canals and discover a lot more of them. My wish was granted, and quickly. In early October I was [...]
En noviembre de 2022 os hablamos por aquí de "El Diccionario de Dinosaurios del Dr. Dhrolin", un libro suplementario de juegos de rol con dinosaurios desarrollado y publicado por PalaeoGames a través de una campaña de Kickstarter. Ahora, más [...]
Much research focuses on people fleeing climate risks and natural hazards. What about those who can't
Cuarta y última entrega de nuestro repaso al "Extra Jurásico" de 'El Jueves' publicado en septiembre de 1993. Este número 853 incluía un "suplemento" especial que bajo el nombre 'HUY, qué interesante' imitaba a la cabecera de divulgación [...]
Back in 2012, I wrote this piece for, where I was the “Geology Guide” for 17 years. They took it down ten years ago, so I have no qualms about publishing it here, very slightly modified along with the photos I couldn’t include then. [...]