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News from the Geoblogosphere feed

New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

PING!!!: Geo Slice

Seattle and the AEG Professional Forum on Landslides - 2015-03-13 18:36:00 131797Seattle and the AEG Professional Forum on Landslides
Traveling to Las Vegas and Los Angeles Next Week - 2015-01-09 20:43:00 130338
2015 AEG Professional Landslide Forum: Time to Face the Landslide Hazard Dilemma: Bridging Science, Policy, Public Safety, and Potential Loss - 2015-01-09 20:35:00 130333
Profiled in International Innovation Magazine - 2015-01-09 20:30:00 130334
On The Road Again - 2014-12-04 05:05:00 129495
I Survived GRA and GSA - 2014-11-05 00:40:00 128738
California, GRAC Annual Meeting, Vancouver and GSA...Here We Go! - 2014-10-13 06:07:00 128083
Presidential Presentations - 2014-10-10 20:59:00 128050
The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) - 2014-09-29 19:40:00 127699
IAEG 2014 Download - 2014-09-22 17:00:00 127471
IAEG in Torino, Italy - 2014-09-09 22:37:00 127148
About Me - 2014-07-17 19:29:00 125774
Back From The Dead - 2014-07-16 22:09:00 125748
2011 Shlemon Specialty Conference - 2011-07-08 23:45:00 74656
UA AEG Meeting March 24th 2011 - 2011-03-22 00:17:00 66836
UA AEG Meeting March 24th 2011 - 2011-03-22 00:17:00 66837
ASU GeoClub Meet and Greet - 2011-02-15 23:22:00 63453
AEG Meeting 2/10/11 - 2011-02-08 22:58:00 62755
AEG-AHS Student Night 2011 - 2011-02-01 21:22:00 62015
EWB Meeting - 2010-08-26 21:50:00 48981
Geologist opening at Ohio Geological Survey - 2010-08-20 19:02:00 48581
Next Meeting: August 19, Joel Anderson - Engineers Without Borders - 2010-08-03 20:06:00 47400
Next Meeting: July 8, in Tucson with Lee Allison - 2010-06-29 23:00:00 45221
Next Meeting Wednesday May 26: "Environmental Consulting: Where We're At and Where We're Going" - 2010-05-12 19:38:00 42034
Geologists: "We May Be Running Out of Rocks" - 2010-05-07 19:07:00 41720 | Impressum