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CV de Octávio Mateus

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Author: Octávio Mateus
Date: 2023-05-31 16:41:00
Blog: Lusodinos- Dinossauros de Portugal


Curriculum Vitae de Octávio Mateus (1975-2023), para memória futura: Biographic data  Complete name: OCTÁVIO João Madeira MATEUS Date and place of birth: Lisboa, January 31st, 1975 Professional address: Departamento de Ciências da Terra (GeoBioTec), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal Nationality: Portuguese Professional homepage:    Blog: Identificators as researcher and author: ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1253-3616  ResearcherID: F-2910-2010  Google Scholar ID: xTBqE88AAAAJ CIÊNCIA ID and CiênciaVitae: C314-B1BF-14F4 Scopus Author ID: 6507239807 FCT Public Key: J024610V1X7 Virtual International Authority File (VIAD) ID: 315726512  Web of Science:  1232651  See also the profiles in ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Mendeley, Redalyc,, and iNaturalist  Advanced Education and Academic titles 2020.04.24 Agregação [habilitation] in Earth and Space Sciences, at Universidade de Évora [certificate]. 2005.07.27   ’Doutoramento em Geologia, especialidade em Paleontologia e Estratigrafia’ (Ph.D. in Geology, speciality in Paleontology and Stratigraphy), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, with the thesis “Dinossauros do Jurássico Superior de Portugal, com destaque para os saurísquios”, under advisory of Miguel Telles Antunes and FCT fellowship Praxis XXI BD/21616/99. [certificate]. Informal PhD co-advisor: Prof. Philippe Taquet (Museúm National d’Histoire Naturelle - Paris). 1998.10.20 Graduation [licenciatura] in Biology, Universidade de Évora, Portugal, with the dissertation [Trabalho de Fim de Curso] “Dinossauros de Portugal e um novo terópode do Jurássico Superior da Lourinhã” under advisory of Miguel Telles Antunes and Ausenda Balbino. Appointments and positions Current main appointment at FCT - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Associate Professor with habilitation [Agregação] at Departamento de Ciências da Terra, NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since October 3rd, 2018,  Other appointments and positions Formally integrated in the research centers of the Departamento de Ciências da Terra [Department of Earth Sciences] of NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, namely in the GeoBioTec - GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering, that was preceded by the CEG - Centro de Estudos Geológicos and CICEGE - Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Engenharia Geológica. Collaborator since 2000. Integrated Member since 2005. Coordinator of the Group Sedimentary Basins and Palaeontology (SBP) between 2019 and 2022. SPdP- Portuguese Society of Paleontology: President of the Direction Board since the 3 of July 2021, being founder and member no. 1. Member of Scientific Council of FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia for the Natural Sciences and Environment (since 2023) Museu da Lourinhã [Museum of Lourinhã / GEAL], Portugal:  President of the General Assembly Board, since September 10th, 2021. Scientific Collaborator and Paleontologist at Museu da Lourinhã, Portugal, since 1997.  Member of the Scientific Council American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York, USA: Associated Researcher since 2015. Ordem dos Biólogos: Member of the Professional and Deontological Council [Conselho Profissional e Deontológico] since March 31th, 2017. Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto: External collaborator since 2020. CE3C - Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes: External collaborator since February 2022. Scientific Council member /Scientific advisor Escola Ciência Viva do Alviela -miniLAB (since 2021) Aspiring Geoparque Oeste, since 2020. (and founder) Aspiring Geoparque Algarvensis, since 2020. Conselho Técnico - Científico do Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros, since 2021 Member of the Member of the Scientific Council of the Museu da Lourinhã [Museum of Lourinhã], Portugal, since December 28th, 2013. Member of the Scientific Council of the Federação Portuguesa de Espeleologia [Portuguese Federation of Speleology], since 2008. Chairholder at Verein zur Förderung der niedersächsischen Paläontologie (Hannover, Germany) and scientific advisor for the Freilicht Museum DinoPark Münchehagen (Hannover, Germany), since 2006. Academic management activities at NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Scientific commission of the PhD programme in Geology at NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since 2014. Scientific commission of the MSc in Paleontology (, since 2012. Master in association between FCT-UNL and Universidade de Évora. Member of “Embaixador FCT” task group for divulgation of NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa offers and opportunities in schools, from 2016 to 2017. Coordinator of the Communication and Dissemination Committee of the Dept. Earth Sciences at NOVA (2019-2022). Member of the Department Committee [Comissão de Departamento], of the Dept. Earth Sciences at NOVA (since 2012). Previous appointments and positions 2019-2022 Coordinator of the Group Sedimentary Basins and Palaeontology (SBP) of GeoBioTec (GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering) at Pólo da FCT NOVA. 2012-2018 Assistant Professor (“Professor Auxiliar”) at Departamento de Ciências da Terra, NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since September 1st, 2012. Employment contracts in public functions for an indefinite period published in Diário da República at July 18th, 2017. 2009 - 2012 Researcher (‘Investigador Auxiliar’ equivalent to Assistant Professor) at CICEGe - Depart. Earth Sciences, NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under programme Ciência 2008. From July 1st, 2009 to September 7th, 2012. 2005 - 2009 Post-doctoral fellowship, Depart. Earth Sciences, NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Topic: ”The Dinosaurs from Portugal, with emphasis to the ornithischians”. From 2005 to June 1st, 2009. 2008 - 2014 Vice-President of General Assembly of the Museu da Lourinhã [Museum of Lourinhã], in Portugal.  1998 - 2005 Research fellowship, NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Topic: “Late Jurassic Dinosaurs from Portugal”.  2010 - 2012 Scientific advisor for the Conchucos Dinosaur Project of the “Asociación Ancash”, Peru. 2009-2019 Member of the Program for Scientists from Economically Developing Nations Committee of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP),  2003-2017 Owner of, a company providing educational and research casts and replicas of fossils,. 2014 - 2015 Curator of the Exhibition “Dinossauros às Quintas”, at FCT-UNL. Professional specialization and interests Domain of specialization:  Vertebrate paleontology and evolution of Mesozoic reptiles. In detail, the main topics of interest are: Evolution of life and systematics.  Paleontology of Mesozoic vertebrates (mainly dinosaurs). Paleontology of Portugal, especially Late Jurassic. Evolutionary development of dinosaurs (eggs and embryos). Vertebrate Paleontology of Africa, mainly Angola. Paleobiology and paleoecology of reptiles. Marine vertebrates: mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, crocodiles and turtles. Field expeditions, prospection and fossil excavations. Science and paleontology museums, museum management, curatorial activities and fossil preparation. History of paleontology. Evolution of teeth in dinosaurs. Evolution of diplodocid sauropod dinosaurs. Triassic reptiles and ecosystems. Areas of scientific activity: Paleontology of dinosaurs and other Mesozoic vertebrates, mainly in the Late Jurassic of Portugal, but also the Cretaceous of Angola and other localities and eras. Interested in evolution processes and problematics as well as zoological taxonomy. Most of the scientific activity is on the systematics, paleobiology and paleoecology of Late Jurassic dinosaurs of Portugal. Pedagogical work (Teaching and Supervising)  Professional teaching since 2012, for Undergraduate, Master, and PhD degrees. Teaching Certification CCPFC/RFO-40784/21 from teaching Biology A108 and Geology A140 by Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua.    The pedagogical work as professor, trainer and  supervisor, can be summarized as: Teaching Curricular Units at NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Master  Master in Paleontology: master in association between NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Universidade de Évora (NCE/11/00046 and Code DGES R/A-Cr 46/2012 ). Member of the team that erected the Master in Paleontology (headed by Prof. João Pais and Prof. Ausenda Balbino in 2011) by co-designing the courses Vertebrate Paleontology, Paleontology and Evolution, and Methods of Study in Paleontology. Methods of Study in Paleontology [Métodos de Estudo em Paleontologia Code 10928] Credits: 6.0; Duration: 88 hours. Responsible for the course at NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa and lecturer since 2012/13 to today (interruption in the year 2020/21).  Paleontology and Evolution [Paleontologia e Evolução, Code 10927] Credits: 6.0; Duration: 78 hours. Responsible for the course at NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa and lecturer  since 2012/13 to today.  Vertebrate Paleontology [Paleontologia de Vertebrados, Code 10934] Credits: 6.0; Duration: 74 hours. Responsible for the course at FCT Universidade Nova de Lisboa and lecturer since 2012/13 to today (interruption in the year 2020/21).  Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Processes [Estratigrafia e Processos Sedimentares, Code 10941] Credits: 6.0; Duration: 41 hours. Regent in 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19, 2021/22. Master in Education, by FCT - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Complementary Geology for Teaching (II) [Complementos de Geologia para Ensino II, Code 11404] Responsible in 2021/22. Regent in 2014/15. Additional Geology for Teaching III [Complementos de Geologia para o Ensino III (CGE III)  Code: 11405] Responsible in 2021/22. Master in Environmental Education and Sustainability Specialization by FCT - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Interdisciplinary Seminar on Research Topics on Earth, Life and Environmental Sciences [Seminário Interdisciplinar em Tópicos de Investigação em Ciências da Vida, Terra e Ambiente, Code 11389] Invited lecturer 2014/15 and 2015/16.  Undergraduate (Licenciatura) Geological Engineering [Licenciatura em Engenharia Geológica] by NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Stratigraphy and Paleontology [Estratigrafia e Paleontologia, Code 7706]  Credits: 6.0; Duration: 64 hours. Objectives: Lithic and event classifications in space and time. Stratigraphic classification. Geological time scale. Life and Earth History. Regent in 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19.  .   Undergraduate (all degrees) Soft Skills for Science and Technology [CTCT - Competências Transversais para Ciências e Tecnologia, Code 10352] Credits: 3.0; Duration: 60 hours. Regent since 2012/13 (interrupted only in 2020) to today. This is a mandatory curricular unit for all first year students, in the area of complementary training. In this course the following topics are addressed: 1 - Curricular Planning for Employability; 2 - Time Management, Teamwork and Leadership; 3 - Advanced use of Spreadsheets; 4 - Communication in Science and Technology; 5 - Bibliographic Research. Analysis of Information. Ethics and deontology. Note on performance: In the years 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016, Octávio Mateus was been voted top scores (4.8 to 5, in a scale 0 - 5) for its Preparation and Motivation  in anonymous polls by the students of Soft Skills for Science and Technology where more than 50 professors from NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa give classes to first year undergraduate students of different topics.  Teaching at other Universities Invited as occasional lecturer in: Universidade de Coimbra, Universidade de Évora, Universidade dos Açores, Universidade Lusófona in Portugal and Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, US  Streamline and coordination of pedagogical projects Involved in the creation of the Master of Paleontology programme Master in Paleontology (master in association between NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Universidade de Évora (NCE/11/00046)), namely contributing to the organization to the courses of Methods in Paleontology, Paleontology and Evolution, and Vertebrate Paleontology, supporting Prof. João Pais, which by the time was coordinator of the Master at NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and Prof. Ausenda Balbino (Universidade de Évora). Today, Mateus is responsible or regent of the following course units: Responsible or co-responsible for the courses unit of: Methods in Paleontology [Métodos de Estudo em Paleontologia, Code 10928] Paleontology and Evolution [Paleontologia e Evolução, Code 10927] Vertebrate Paleontology [Paleontologia de Vertebrados] (Code 10934) Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Processes [Estratigrafia e Processos Sedimentares, Code 10941] Regent of:  Stratigraphy and Paleontology [Estratigrafia e Paleontologia, Code 7706]. Responsible: Paulo Legoinha. Soft Skills for Science and Technology [CTCT - Competências Transversais para Ciências e Tecnologia, Code 10352]. Responsible: R. Costa. Member of the Scientific commissions of: PhD programme in Geology at NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since 2014. Main Coordinator: Prof. JC Kullberg. MSc in Paleontology at NOVA School of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since 2012 Production of teaching material  Pedagogical books and book-chapters Mateus, O. (2016).  Exemplos bizarros de evolução em dinossauros e alguns casos portugueses. Do Big Bang ao Homem. 81-95, Porto: U. Porto Edições. Mateus, O. (2014).  Gigantic jurassic predators. 52 Things You Should Know About Palaeontology. p.56-57: Agile Libre. ISBN: 978-0-9879594-4-7. Kullberg, J. C., Rocha, R. B., Soares, A. F., Rey, J., Terrinha, P., Azerêdo, A. C., Callapez, P., Duarte, L.V., Kullberg, M. C., Martins, L., Miranda, J. R., Alves, C., Mata, J., Madeira, J., Mateus, O., Moreira, M., and Nogueira, C. R. (2013).  A Bacia Lusitaniana: Estratigrafia, Paleogeografia e Tectónica. (Dias, R., Araújo, A, Terrinha, P., and Kullberg, J. C., Ed.). Geologia de Portugal no contexto da Ibéria. Volume II. 195-350, Lisboa: Escolar. Brandão, J. M., Callapez, P. M., Mateus, O., and Castro, P. (2010). Colecções e museus de Geologia: missão e gestão (Brandão, J. M., Callapez, P. M., Mateus, O., and Castro, P., Ed.). pp. 121-126: Ed. Universidade de Coimbra e Centro de Estudos e Filosofia da História da Ciência. Coimbra: ISBN: 978-989-96564-0-6. Mateus, O. (2008). Fósseis de transição, elos perdidos, fósseis vivos e espécies estáveis   In: Evolução: História e Argumentos. Edited by: Levy et al.. 77-96 Lisboa: Esfera do Caos, ISBN: 978-989-8025-55-5.  Gaspar, A., Avelar, T., Mateus, O., and Almada, F. (2007). Evolução e Criacionismo - uma relação impossível.  Lisboa: Quasi Edições. ISBN: 9789895523078. Support documents  PowerPoints and educational supporting material are available for students through the CLIP website and Moodle support site were created for the Course Units of: Methods in Paleontology [Métodos de Estudo em Paleontologia, Code 10928]. Moodle page 2021/22 and 2022/23 provides powerpoints, published documents, and original contents and videos. It is organized in twelve topics:  MEP- Métodos de Estudo em Paleontologia (functioning, evaluation, etc.) Field work Image 2D applied to paleontology 3D Techniques: 3D scan, CT e Photogrammetry Macro-paleontology laboratory techniques Scientific Writing and Preparation of Articles Statistics and Math applied to Paleontology Career and thesis development Microscopy Advanced phylogeny Software and internet Museums and outreach Safety and Hazards Methods of dating fossils Mapping Traits of Evolution Morphometrics Bibliography Visits to Museums AI Artificial Intelligence applied to paleontology Paleontology and Evolution [Paleontologia e Evolução, Code 10927]. Moodle page provides 12 powerpoints, that sum +1000 original slides, 7 sebentas with scientific information, online tests with more than 140 questions organized by 7 topics, two workshops, and more than 50 hours of original videos.  The moodle and course is organized as: Resources, UC operation and evaluation Topic 1 | 7 fossils that teach about evolution Topic 2 | History and observations of Charles Darwin Topic 3 | Mechanisms and processes of evolution Topic 4 | Our evolution Topic 5 | Systematics, taxonomy and nomenclature Topic 6 | PaleoBioDiversity and biogeography Topic 7 | Debate and argumentation Topic 8 | Invited scientists In Moodle, the workflow is automatized and sequential, with all resources available online (including recording of the classes) which allows students to take the course remotely and in asynchronous mode.  Vertebrate Paleontology [Paleontologia de Vertebrados, Code 109349]. Moodle page, provide 10 powerpoints, that sum +800 original slides, online tests, contents, sebentas and original videos. See Moodle page 2021/22. Stratigraphy and Paleontology [Estratigrafia e Paleontologia, Code 7706] Soft Skills for Science and Technology [CTCT - Competências Transversais para Ciências e Tecnologia, Code 10352], as a support reviewer and author of the guide for the Week 4 on “Science Communication”. Moodle page for supporting documents and information for theses and dissertations in paleontology, with original and unpublished recommendations and documents. Support texts are provided for the courses of:  Methods in Paleontology [Métodos de Estudo em Paleontologia, Code 10928]  Paleontology and Evolution [Paleontologia e Evolução, Code 10927] Vertebrate Paleontology [Paleontologia de Vertebrados, Code 109349] and fully available to students in their Moodle page (links above). Exercises for classes were created or improved for the Course Unit of: Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Processes [Estratigrafia e Processos Sedimentares, Code 10941] Methods in Paleontology [Métodos de Estudo em Paleontologia, Code 10928] Vertebrate Paleontology [Paleontologia de Vertebrados, Code 109349] Stratigraphy and Paleontology [Estratigrafia e Paleontologia, Code 7706] Fossil and Osteological collection: a large osteological collection, gathered by Octávio Mateus during more than 20 years and comprising about 300 specimens, is available for classes, mainly used in the course unit of “Vertebrate Paleontology” and “Paleontology and Evolution”.  Quality of the pedagogical activities  Professional teaching since 2012, for Undergraduate, Master, and PhD degrees. Teaching Certification CCPFC/RFO-40784/21 from teaching Biology A108 and Geology A140 by Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua.    The performance of O. Mateus as teacher is based on anonymous enquiries among students. Results of the enquiries always return mostly “Excellent” or “Very Good” ratings, since enquiries are conducted. The results of the 2015/16 enquiries to students via supporting website CLIP are available for the course units of Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Processes (EPS), Vertebrate Paleontology (PV) and Soft Skills for Science and Technology (CTCT), but other course units of 2015/16 do not provide data for this study. Most evaluations are rated “Excellent” or “Very Good”, as shown in the graphic below. 

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