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Arachnophyllum pentagonum Coral Fossil

Source info:

Author: Michael Popp
Date: 2024-06-13 02:30:00
Blog: Louisville Area Fossils


  The colonial rugose coral fossil pictured above is known as Arachnophyllum pentagonum (Goldfuss, 1826). It was found in the Louisville Limestone of Jefferson County, Kentucky USA. The fossils date to the Silurian Period. This coral fossil was once part of the collection of southern Indiana paleontologist George K. Greene (1835-1917). It appeared that all of Greene's fossil collection was sold to American Museum of Natural History in New York City after his death but as it turns out there was one cabinet not sold and was past down to his descendants.  This fossil is now on display at the Falls of the Ohio State Park Interpretive Center till September 2024 after that it will be transferred to the Indiana State Museum. George Greene's great-great-grandson William "Bill" Bishop passed away on November 29, 2023 and his wish that fossils be donated.

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