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Um es gleich vorweg zu nehmen: Ich bin kein Freund von Politiker-Bashing. Aber das ist einfach zu schön - Silvana Koch-Mehrin demonstriert ihre finanzpolitische Unkenntnis und verrechnet sich um 4 Größenordnungen.Tatort: "Hart aber fair" in der [...]
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Infos zum Furchenstein, zum Krustenstein, dem Hirnstoa und Onkoiden am Bayrischen Meer [2010-05-03 00:22:26]
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(1670 visits)
Zur Zeit, wir haben den 3.Mai 2010, ist der Pegelstand des Chiemsee ca. 20cm unter dem mittleren Seespiegel.
In Schützing sind Areale begehbar, auf denen das Wachsen der Furchensteine zu beobachten ist.
Nicht jeder Stein wird zum Furchenstein, [...]
The always insightful news source The Onion brings attention the very real threat of running out of rocks. What we all do
[From the Liverpool Mercury, 13 September 1822, p. 86.] Eruption of the old volcano of Eyafjeld Jokkul in Iceland, in December 1821 The remarkable fall of the barometer which took place almost simultaneously throughout all Europe, in the month of [...]
Go read this. Seriously. Now. Live fish dumped from airplanes. Harissa Grilled Trout: Clean trout and remove head (optional) Rinse trout and pat dry with paper towel Make harissa (ask Jessica, but basically this just involves re-hydrating some [...]
African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), photographed at the Bronx Zoo.
African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) don't have it easy. Their taste for large mammalian prey puts them in competition with lions and spotted hyenas for both prey and living space, [...]
Breaking down a hyena kill. Given competition with other carnivores, prehistoric hyenas (like their living counterparts) would probably have disarticulated and transported parts of horses they killed. From Diedrich 2010.
In Hollywood films, [...]
Como lo prometido es deuda, aquí os traigo el notición. Pero antes un poco de historia.El tigre (Panthera tigris) ocupaba hasta tiempos históricos una inmensa área de distribución que se extendía desde Indonesia, India, Asia Central y el [...]
Links from, tagged with geology for May 5th, 2010:
BBC News – World’s deepest undersea vents discovered in Caribbean
Explorations Through Time
Geologic Time
The age and origin of the Pacific islands: a geological overview [...]