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This is a guest post by Natasha S. Vitek, author of the article Giant fossil soft-shelled turtles of North America that recently was published in PE. For some reason, the scheduling feature didn’t work, and I didn’t notice, thus the [...]
The recently "awakened" supervolcano in Bolivia, Uturuncu, may have actually awakened just recently, according to new data. The data suggests that the volcano began re-inflating quite recently. In fact, a report [...]
Ya no se si os acordáis de que a finales del año pasado organizamos por aquí el Primer Certamen Literario Koprolitos. El 1 de noviembre se convocaba a los lectores de este blog para que enviaran sus relatos cortos, los cuales debían contener la [...]
I’m currently engaged in a little side project to my research and as part of this I’m trying to make a list of films that feature dinosaurs. This only includes films focused directly on on dinosaurs (so sadly ‘Pterodactyl’ loses out) [...]
A summary of photos posted on flickr today, tagged with “geology.” Displayed below are 38 geology-related photos were added to flickr today. Similar Posts on Geology News: Daily Geology Photos – September 23 Daily Geology Photos [...]
Thursday students from Fairlands Elementary in California USA joined us aboard the JR for a day of learning during our LIVE Aboard the JR broadcast. Students and their teacher, Lisa [...]
The slowly erupting stratovolcano in Alaska, Mt. Cleveland, has been lowered to level "Yellow/Advisory" with AVO geologists stating "No further explosions have been detected at Cleveland since March 13, and we have no evidence that lava-dome growth [...]
During expedition 340 we are drilling submarine sediment deposits along a chain of active volcanoes in order to reconstruct the eruption history over millions of years and to better [...]
Thanks to Charles Carrigan at Earth-like Planet for pointing out this opinion piece in the Washington Post. As he makes very clear, the argument that professors "don't work hard enough" is hardly fair. Professors most certainly don't get [...]
I'm a bit of a pack rat when it comes to books, especially geological ones. I've got quite a few that I've collected but never really had time to read. (When you read journal articles at work all day, sometimes you really don't want to read about [...]