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“Toronto has not been known for paying attention to high-quality buildings,” Ms. Lehrer says. “I’m not an inspector, but from talking to people in the business, a lot of them have said that over the last three years, there have been [...]
The Alpine Fault forms the plate boundary in New Zealand's South Island, and is a very significant fault on a global scale. It last ruptured in 1717 AD and appears to produce large earthquakes on average every 330 years. Its next rupture has a high [...]
Being still in the throws of editing and correcting the proofs for the new book (with the exception of compiling the index, the least enjoyable part of the whole process), I am particularly paranoid about fact-checking. I have one
Glen Canyon was a beautiful, magical place that was unceremoniously flooded under the waters of Lake Powell (and I'm pretty sure John Wesley Powell would have been appalled that his name was given to the lake). Despite the gigantic eyesore of Glen [...]
The Gemological Institute of America has an article titled: “Recent Advances in Understanding the Geology of Diamonds”. Related: How Do Diamonds
La Asociación para la Recuperación de Patrimonio Industrial ARPI organiza el Taller de Recuperación y Estudio del Estratotipo Barrueliense en Barruelo de Santullán (Palencia).
La actividad que se propone se estructura como un campo de trabajo [...]
Here is an email from today’s box that is worth repeating. Makes you aware of the comments made to me yesterday by a client: “The US has not opened a new mine of note in decades and is now almost without mines. It’s all very [...]
Have you seen “the story maps” created on the ESRI website ( or for that matter from or They are all frameworks for you to create “a story” with geographic [...]
Karen Daubert, Executive Director of Washington Trails Association, recently sent me information ... [ continue
Como sabéis, trabajo como ilustrador. Es una interesante manera de ganarse la vida, pero la mayoría de las personas, al saberlo, no pasan del concepto bueno, es que tú sabes dibujar. Lo dicen como si fuera una especie de don, un superpoder: [...]