The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
L'inusuale mix di similitudini tra Spinosaurus B e Spinosaurus C
L'acceso dibattito innescato dalla
pubblicazione di Ibrahim et al. (2014) si è concentrato
principalmente sulla ricostruzione di Spinosaurus proposta in
quello studio. Tale [...]
Tonight, as I was looking over two days worth of photographs from here in Cairns, Queensland, I realized that there is a distinct color theme running through them. Yesterday the major color was green as we traveled into the Daintree Rainforest. [...]
All politics is local
All science is political
I finally concede that the Scientific Method (sm) is dead and we should bury it. The last great sm-er was J. Tuzo Wilson, and he regularly gloried in all times he was wrong. For him, it was a [...]
This might be of interest only to my Modesto area readers, but anyone who is interested in learning about the natural and human history of the Hawaiian Islands may want to investigate this field studies opportunity June 1-13, 2016. I am [...]
I’ve spent several weeks in Eastern Kazakhstan this summer for paleoseismological field work. During the first part of this trip we looked at some thrust and strike-slip faults in the Ili Basin and the Saty area. The second part was almost [...]
Imagine standing at one of the most famous park viewpoints in the world. Ask people standing in that place, the Wawona Tunnel Overlook at Yosemite National Park, how many granite domes they see, they might say just one. If they're feeling humorous, [...]
India has submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It is a sort of a road map the country will take with regards to future carbon emissions, mitigation and adaptation.
Hier le puits de forage U1466B a fourni ses carottes tranquillement au rythme d'un nouveau carottage toutes les 30 à 50mn.
Et bienqu'ils ne soient pas tous complets l'ensemble est [...]
Seit den 1960er Jahren wird versucht Gemälde als Klimaarchive zu verwenden. Bilder können zwar keine quantitativen Klimadaten liefern, sie liefern aber eine Übersicht über vergangene Klimaveränderungen. So zeigen urzeitliche Felsbilder in der [...]
Drilling operations on the site 1466B ceased around 9am today and logging will start in the evening.
Downhole measurements will complete core sample analyses .
They will provide [...]