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C.P. Snow famously wrote about "The Two Cultures"[1]—that great divide between the sciences and humanities. Snow argued that the inability of scientists/engineers and scholars of the arts/humanities to
If you remember from a couple days ago, toward the end of the first of, hopefully, a few more posts about our trip to Death Valley and vicinity, we had walked up an alluvial fan down near Badwater and were looking at the Badwater Turtleback fault, [...]
This is a repeat of a post I wrote in August of last year because the issue is still in the news, and represents a piece of political larceny that should disqualify Senator John McCain from ever being re-elected. Democrat Representative Anne [...]
We reached a milestone this week in my backyard (backyard in both the literal and figurative sense). We reached "normal". I've been tracking rainfall totals in my backyard since 1991, and up until 2011, the average yearly rainfall has been [...]
From NOAA NCEI: The December–February average temperature for the contiguous U.S. was 36.8°F, 4.6°F above the 20th century average, surpassing the previous record of 36.5°F set in 1999/2000. The exceptionally warm December boosted the [...]
Greece is one of the main targets of RWTH Aachen’s Neotectonics & Geohazards group. They worked on paleo-tsunamis, active faults on the Peloponnese and in Attica, and on the application of terrestrial LiDAR and shallow geophysics for [...]
Another week and another bunch of deep-sea Okeanos dives in the French Frigate/Hawaiian Islands region!
One thing I noticed while reviewing the recent dives and those from last year was just how much COLOR you see in the deep-sea.. black, white, [...]
A new video from Glenwood Canyon in Colorado shows nasty dancing rocks - boulders rolling down a steep slope. The potential for damage is
It’s only one month since my last paper update and yet I have nineteen interesting new studies for you. Today’s round-up includes tsunamis, tectonic geomorphology, environmental earthquake effects and soft sediment deformation, new [...]
After a one-day delay due to bad weather, we finally headed out of Corvallis on Thursday afternoon. On the way to Newport, where the R/V Oceanus is docked, we stopped to take water samples from the Alsea River and estuary, which feed into the ocean. [...]