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„Geologen wären dumm, wenn sie Mythen ignorieren würden, aber sie wären auch dumm, wenn sie alles in den Überlieferungen glauben würden.“Patrick Nunn, University of New EnglandIn vielen alten Mythen und Legenden finden sich Hinweise auf [...]
We did it! We hi-jacked the weekend before the EAGE conference, called it the “subsurface hackathon” and the theme was games. It was the first time Matt Hall from Agile Geoscience tried it in Europe. He has some experience with these events [...]
Among the many examples of agatized gastropods, from the Eocene layers of the Dakhla region of Morocco, that are appearing on the market, I found two pelecypod specimens. They are small, about an inch (2.54 cm) in diameter and appear to be the same [...]
Downtown Oakland sits on an unusual bit of geology — a large dune field mapped as the Merritt Sand. San Francisco is famous for its sand dunes, of course, and Points Reyes and Año Nuevo have some too, but the dune fields of Oakland and [...]
The Chilik-Chon Kemin Fault Zone is a major left-lateral strike-slip fault zone in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, just a few tens of kilometres east of Almaty and north of Lake Issyk Kul. It has seen one of the largest continental earthquakes ever [...]
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JSR Paper Clips in their "A Look Back" series highlights an influential paper by J.A.D. Dickson on the use of staining of carbonate rocks to differentiate in a thin section the different mineral phases of calcium carbonate.
A staining [...]
, Maßstab: 1 cm - Cenoman, oberes Cenoman (Dölzschen-Formation) - Ort: ehemaliger Eisenbahntunnel bei