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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Geoblogosphere weekly review (13th week of 2017, 794 weeks ago)
Most active blogs:
- Geology in the West Country (7 posts)
- Ontario-geofish (6 posts)
- State of the Planet (5 posts)
- Gunnars Geo-Blog (4 posts)
- Florian Beckers Vulkan-Blog (4 posts)
- JOIDES Resolution blogs (4 posts)
- The Landslide Blog (4 posts)
- Dan\'s Wild Wild Science Journal (3 posts)
- Geological Society of London blog (3 posts)
- Geotripper (2 posts)
Most visited blogs:
- Gunnars Geo-Blog (3525 visits)
- Geological Society of London blog (1758 visits)
- Geology in the West Country (1203 visits)
- Theropoda (1033 visits)
- Bloc de camp (985 visits)
- Wooster Geologists (963 visits)
- (888 visits)
- (868 visits)
- State of the Planet (754 visits)
- Ontario-geofish (664 visits)
Top keywords:
- Vulkanausbrüche (3)
- Allgemein (2)
- Umweltgeologie (2)
- Earth Sciences (2)
- News (2)
- Review of a paper (2)
- landslide report (2)
- Geobiologie (2)
- Dongeng Geologi (2)
- Blue Dick (1)
The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
A Catalunya vivim en una aparent tranquil·litat sísmica. No som ni a Sant Francisco ni a Tokio. Ni tant sols a Granada. Però tampoc estem al mig del crató escandinau: en temps històrics, al s. XV, hi hagué una crisis sísmica devastadora.
Els [...]
Alcuni lettori
avranno colto il riferimento nel titolo.
La storia della
filogenetica moderna dei dinosauri si può far risalire al 1986,
quando Jacques Gauthier pubblicò una delle prime analisi delle
relazioni filogenetiche tra i dinosauri basata [...]
Last October I was given the chance to attend the “iRALL school on field data collection, monitoring, and modeling of large landslides” in Chengdu, China. During the school, we spent one week in the epicentral area of the Ms=8.0 2008 Wenchuan [...]
Climate Change 2017 is pleased to have been asked to date the Tracy House, Apple Creek Ohio. The log house/cabin is now stored in the soon to be Apple Creek Community Center and Library will be reassembled this coming summer. The date is unambiguous [...]
Der im Bundesverkehrswegeplan BVWP2030 mit vordringlichem Bedarf eingestufte Neubau der Bundesstraße B6 wird nicht vor 2023 gebaut. Die DEGES informierte diese Woche in einer Bürgeversammlung interessierte
A guest post from the Sedgwick Museum’s Douglas Palmer Whilst Jerry Lee Lewis was certainly not thinking of dinosaurs when he recorded his famous 1957 hit song, he was referring to hips. And, as all dinophiles know, dinosaurs can be divided into [...]
A post from George Jameson, GSL External Relations Officer, whose role includes working to deliver the Society’s strategic commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) recently announced [...]