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Die Zunahme verheerender sommerlicher Wetter-Extreme steht
wahrscheinlich in Verbindung mit dem vom Menschen verursachten
Klimawandel, wie immer mehr Belege zeigen. Gigantische Luftströme
umkreisen die Erde, wellenförmig schwingen sie [...]
Earlier this month, Luke Kosowatz, Matt Shearer and I went on a field trip through the Cincinnati region collecting Upper Ordovician (Katian) bryozoans and examples of bioerosion for their Independent Study projects and other investigations. I [...]
Well. That was a month, eh? Before we dive into this wild lunar cycle of paleontological action, I'll put out one more call: if you are a paleoartist and you haven't taken the 2017 Survey of Paleoartists, do it! It's easy and won't take too long.
This image is of a Favosites (Emmonsia) emmonsi colonial coral fossil. It was found in the Jeffersonville Limestone of Clark County Indiana USA. The fossil dates to the Devonian Period.
This fossil was on display at the Falls of the Ohio State Park [...]
During a thunderstorm, lightning that hits the ground may be shooting powerful electromagnetic radiation skyward. At least that is the new theory from a physicist in China who specializes in laser-plasma
For quite some time (~7 years), I have been noticing that Holocene Dead Sea seismites frequently have a thin dark flat lying fine grained layer of sediment on top. When I finally gained access to some electron microscopes at Cambridge University [...]
This fossil stromatolite was found at Atar Mauritania. Fossil dates to the pre-Cambrian Period.
It was on display at the Musée de Mineralogie (Mineralogy Museum)
located at the MINES ParisTech, 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel 75006 Paris
France [...]
By Theresa Freiburger, Cockrell Butterfly Center Horticulturalist and Greenhouse Manager It’s that time of year again! The Cockrell Butterfly Center is having its annual SPRING PLANT SALE on April 1, 2017 at 9am. As usual, it will be located [...]
A video has been posted on Youtube that shows a dramatic landslide that occurred at Point Dume on the Californian coast on 25th March