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Wie gelangt Kohlenstoff von der Erdoberfläche bis tief ins
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Forscher der Universität Bayreuth haben [...]
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Zahl der Arten darin kurzfristig verändert, kann falsche Schlüsse
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In Bayern ist eine Fläche mit Beton versiegelt, die acht Mal so groß
ist wie der Bodensee: Das kam bei einer Studie heraus, die der
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Drei Fossilien aus dem Frühkambrium, die der Wissenschaft lange Zeit
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Das zeigen Untersuchungen neuer, über 500 Millionen Jahre alter Funde
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July! That really was a month, wasn't it? A mellow month after the sturm und drang of June, but still plenty of fun to be had, so let's start having it.
In the News
Razanandrongobe sakalavae is a new, giant notosuchian from Jurassic Madagascar. [...]
Over the years I’ve done a lot of poking around Leona Heights, the large hill looming over the south end of the Warren Freeway. You’d think I have a nice photo after all this time, but instead here’s a vertical view from Google Maps, terrain [...]
In the United States we need to build more and better mass transit options, but due to our land use development pattern in most of the country, personal transportation will always be part of our mix. The growth of the electric vehicle market [...]
GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2017-07-31 15:17:03]
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(756 visits)
This mesmerising photograph is another of the fabulous finalists (and winner) of the 2017 imaggeo photo contest. Imaggeo is the EGU’s open access image repository. It’s a great place to showcase your photographs; so whether you are stuck in the [...]
After reading Passing Strange, I found myself wanting to learn more not only about Clarence King, but also about the other great surveys of the American West – those of Hayden, Powell, and Wheeler. I’ve read Powell’s account of descending the [...]