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Granitic knobs in the northern (way northern) Sierra.
It's been a busy summer, such that I really haven't had time to get much blogging done—and I had so many good posts planned! But it's been really difficult for me to do much of anything while [...]
GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2017-09-11 16:50:48]
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(840 visits)
This stunning vista encompasses the south-western wilderness of Tasmania as seen from the Tahune air walk 60 m above the Huon river valley. In front lies the beginning of a huge UNESCO World Heritage Site, covering almost a fourth of the area of [...]
Yesterday (10-September-2017) at 21:40 UTC a magnitude (Mw) 5,9 earthquake (EMSC information here) took place deep south on the Reykjanes ridge. No aftershocks have appeared on USGS or EMSC that I am aware of. They must have happened but due … [...]
Check out the launch of the rawinsonde in Key West this afternoon. These are vital to the forecast and that data will go into the numerical models this evening. Here is the data from that sounding. The wind speed in the bottom 1 kilometer of the [...]
We all played around with this little thing: wood labyrinths with one or many little balls called a “Ball-in-a-maze puzzle”. The goal was to find a path through the labyrinth so the ball was not trapped by the holes in the board: Google [...]
The NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction will host an open house on Saturday, Sept. 16, at its College Park, Maryland, campus. The public is invited to tour the facility and meet NOAA research scientists and meteorologists to explore … [...]
A new book on artificial intelligence (AI) has just been published. It’s Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, by MIT physicist Max Tegmark. Tegmark was one of the trailblazing thinkers interviewed by James Barrat in his [...]
Die Aktivität am Vulkan San Cristóbal in Nicaragua nimmt zu. Die Vulkanologen von INETER berichten von Gaseruptionen und Tremor. Bisher wurde allerdings noch keine Tephra gefördert. Lavasee am Masaya größer geworden Ein anderer Vulkan in [...]
Nonostante sia piuttosto giovane per essere una città italiana (ho parlato qui della sua fondazione, essenzialmente dovuta all’interramento del porto pisano), Livorno è una città molto particolare per il carattere dei suoi abitanti, a tal [...]
Update 11.09.2017 Wirbelsturm verwüstet Florida Hurrikan Irma ist bereits über weite Teile des US-Bundesstaates Florida hinweggezogen und hinterlässt eine Spur der Verwüstung. Miami Downtown steht unter Wasser verheerende Sturmflut in Tampa [...]