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GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2018-09-06 15:44:19]
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Drawing inspiration from popular stories on our social media channels, major geoscience headlines, as well as unique and quirky research, this monthly column aims to bring you the latest Earth and planetary science news from around the web. Major [...]
GeoLog-The official blog of the European Geosciences Union [2018-09-03 11:22:44]
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About 5,000 years ago, the ancient city Troy was founded, Stonehenge was under construction, and in the rugged Sierra Nevada mountain range, groves of bristlecone pine seedlings began to take root. Many of these pines are still alive today, making [...]
Behind The Scenes Tour Of Out Hall Of Paleontology: The Reign of Mammals: Giants of the Pleistocene Because the Morian Hall of Paleontology is too large to tour in one evening, we are debuting a new series that will cover the hall section by [...]
High up in the Canadian Rockies in an area known as Burgess Pass is one of the most unlikely, perfect and improbably fossil sites on Earth.Paleontologists and fossil enthusiasts agree that British Columbia has some of the important fossil [...]
University of Maryland 2018 Geology Colloquium Series Friday, September 7th 2018 at 3:00 pm in PLS 1130 Alan Brandon University of Houston Constraints on Crustal Contamination of Martian Shergottite Magmas For 3 decades, a debate over whether [...]
Have you tried this ELI? It's good fun and you can eat it - and it's educational! 'Swiss roll surgery; investigating geological structures and their outcrops using sponge rolls'
This activity can be used in any science or geography lesson when [...]
Very hot, but the water is cold. We can't work, but I'm not complaining. No fishing either. All summer we had ideal conditions of weak northern winds, and warm air from the Gulf. Should end soon, like it has for the UK. I found the old [...]
I love the UK tabloids. The place is always in for something HORRENDOUS. You can now see that the warm Atlantic air is not lifting much for the UK. They will be getting Arctic air from now on.
They had a record hot summer because of stagnant [...]
Der indonesische Vulkan Semeru eruptierte heute eine Aschewolke. Laut VAAC Darwin erreichte die Vulkanasche eine Höhe von 4,3 km über dem Meeresspiegel. MIROVA registriert eine moderate thermische Strahlung in Höhe von 12 Megawatt. Im Krater des [...]
Update 06.09.2018: Das Erdbeben forderte mindesten 2 Todesopfer und 120 Verletzte. Mehr als 30 Personen werden vermisst. Das Erdbeben löste Hangrutsche aus, welche mehrere Häuser unter sich begruben. Besonders schlimm getroffen wurde die [...]