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Using newly refined analysis methods, scientists have discovered that a North Korean nuclear bomb test last fall set off aftershocks over a period of eight months on a previously unmapped earthquake fault
I am still building up to a big post on vertebral orientation, but in the meantime, check out this caudal vertebra of a Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis. This is right lateral view–the vert is strongly procoelous, and the articular ends of the [...]
Birds originated from a theropod lineage more than 150 million years ago. By the Early Cretaceous, they diversified, evolving into a number of groups of varying anatomy and ecology. In recent years, several discovered fossils of theropods and early [...]
Minerals of the English Midlands
Roy Starkey the author of "Minerals of the English Midlands" has told me that this book is now available for purchase. I am sure some of you will be interested in getting a copy. He writes:- I wanted to let you [...]
all images this post, unless otherwise noted, FOP 002018, Fowler Shack Last night at 9:54pm EDT, autumn began in the Northern Hemisphere. We were fortunate enough to mark the arrival of this new season on the same day that we departed from a [...]
Raptor pianista by Mattographer (lo cogí de aquí)
Hace no mucho os hablamos de un disco del saxofonista David Murray que llevaba el sugerente título de Jazzosaurus Rex (1993). Este verano se ha puesto a la venta el disco colectivo Jurassic [...]
New study reveals surprising facts behind a shrinking wetland, and suggests
Lecture – Facing the Past – Cases in Forensic Sculpture by Amanda Danning Forensic sculptor Amanda Danning performs facial reconstructions on skulls whose true appearance is unknown. She has worked on the most exciting anthropology finds in [...]
Because the federal government isn't the only one trying to censor, misrepresent, or otherwise stifle