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Sad for the people, sad for ford going for climate change. Could the flooding be due to a humongous snow pack? Well, I won't count on him for anything intelligent. :)
We are going back to 1800 winters. Can't wait for next
So am I understanding this correct: You are here for a $1600 conference. And it’s not for work. This is your free time? Yes. I recently travelled to San Francisco to attend the Google Next conference. Clearly neither a scientific conference nor [...]
2019 Geology Colloquium Series Friday, April 26th 2019 at 3:10 pm in PLS 1140 Watch live at Robert Holder Johns Hopkins University Metamorphism and the Evolution of Plate Tectonics At present, Earth’s mantle [...]
I have been terribly neglecting my blog this year. However, I have a good excuse: over the past few months I have accepted a new job working as a geologist for Anglo American… and I have moved my family to beautiful Brisbane, Australia. On top [...]
La serie Super Sentai, estrenada en 1975 en Japón, está protagonizada por cinco superhéroes con trajes de diferentes color que luchan en equipo contra las fuerzas del mal. Si no te suena, seguro que si te resultará más familiar su remake [...]
The Paleobiology Laboratory at Stanford University seeks a post-doctoral scholar with interest in the evolution of organism size as well as a commitment to scientific education and outreach. Applicants with experience in quantitative paleobiology, [...]
Según la leyenda, Mickey Mouse nació durante el regreso en tren a Los Ángeles de Walt Disney (1901-1966) tras perder en Nueva York el juicio por los derechos del conejo Oswald a manos del matrimonio Mintz, que le habría engatusado. Lo cierto [...]
Dean Mang-Wooley es un ilustrador de Calgary (Alberta, Estados Unidos) conocido por su webcomic "Today in 3 panels", en los que muestra escenas autobiográficas en solo tres viñetas desde 2008. Sin embargo, hoy traemos a Dean por aquí por su [...]
New ELI today - 'When are soft rocks tough, and hard rocks weak? A discussion about the toughness/resistance of rocks in different places'
The simple idea, which generally holds, of tough rocks forming hills and headlands and weaker rocks, [...]
As New York City evolves into a sustainable city, the experience we have in transforming our old energy system to a new one will be valuable, and the transformation itself will make this very old place newer than it