The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Since graduating from the Sustainability Management program, Megan Burns has positioned herself for long-term career growth in climate
This image is of a Williamsonia (aka Zamia) gigas cycad fossil. The plant existed in the Jurassic Period. Fossil was
discovered in Scarborough, England, United Kingdom.
Picture taken at Museo di
Geologia e Paleontologia
Florence Italy [...]
It's Earth Science Week, and "Geoscience is for Everyone" is the theme for this year. Geoscience IS for everyone, because geology dominates the lives of everyone. No one can escape it, for better or worse. Better, when we find inspiration [...]
I have begun a 15-day excursion to Nepal and Bhutan called Himalayan Kingdoms with Smithsonian Journeys. I am currently in Kathmandu, enjoying the sights and wonders of this exotic locality. I'll be posting photos and stories as the trip evolves.
On [...]
Matt and I are about to submit a paper. One of the journals we considered — and would have really liked in many respects — turned out to use the CC By-NC-SA license. This is a a very well-intentioned licence that allows free use except for [...]
I’m really very behind on blogging generally and my zoo reviews in particular (if you haven’t seen it, you’ll want to read this thread on Twitter as to why). In addition to a couple of small outfits and revisits, I’ve made it to four notable [...]
Heute ging am Merapi in Indonesien ein Pyroklastischer Strom ab. Er verursachte eine Aschewolke, die eine Höhe von gut 6000 m ü. N. N. erreichte. Das Vaac gab eine entsprechende VONA-Warnung heraus. In umliegenden Dörfern regnete es Vulkanasche. [...]
Otro de los trabajos presentados por integrantes del Grupo de Biología Evolutiva de la UNED en las pasadas XXXV Jornadas de Paleontología de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología (SEP) fue el análisis preliminar de una patología en una tortuga [...]
An event on October 16 will share insights and strategies to help scientists get their message across to the general
Hughes, visto por Chic Stone en “You’ll sleep as is you were dead” (1963, Adventures into the Unknown #140)
Antes de nada y para que nadie se llame a engaño, este post no trata de Richard David Hughes (1975), batería de Keane, ni del [...]