The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Just got notified that someone in Indonesia attempted to 'recover' my account. That means somebody contacted G and said I forgot my password. Everybody knows my user name, so it just the password.
Just do everything G says for
Neat, now the high-level site is in the exact same geology, just a few klicks in.
At this scale, the dots would nearly
Sorry, I just liked the headline. ClownyMonkies is a situation that happens when internal weasels ignore physics. All companies and organizations evolve towards weaseldom. It can't be helped. The only force against this is having to build [...]
Varios investigadores del Grupo de Biología Evolutiva de la UNED acaban de publicar un nuevo artículo en la revista Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology titulado "On the validity of the Middle Triassic sauropterygian ‘Partanosaurus zitteli’ [...]
Sullivan County Conservation District in New Hampshire is a great example of a group putting
Thamnasterioide Kolonie, „Die historische Literatur (bis ca. 1950) fasst unter dem Namen Thamnasteria sehr viele Arten zusammen.“ (Löser, 2009, S. 119; Abb. 169) - Cenoman, oberes Cenoman (Dölzschen-Formation) - Ort: #Ratssteinbruch, [...]
This year, we on the European mainland will see no less than three exhibitions dedicated to paleoart, the imagination of extinct animals and worlds through art: in Munich, Haarlem and Coburg (opening on May 17th). This takes place against a [...]
Hello, 2017 painting of sheathed-horn Arsinoitherium zitteli. Time to see if we can figure out what those horns were for, other than looking regal in artwork.
Recently, I was in the Teylers Museum, Haarlem, for the opening of their sensational [...]
Each month, Jesse Zondervan picks his favourite posts from geoscience and development blogs/news which cover the geology for global development interest. Here’s a round-up of Jesse’s favourite selections for the last three months of 2019: As the [...]
Josef Konecný & Zdenek Vašíček, 1987. Die Cephalopoden der Cenoman-Turon-Grenze des Steinbruchs Prokop, Březina bei Moravská Třebová – Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Naturales (Musea v Brne) Brno 72 (1–2):