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By Morgan Disbrow-Monz, GSA Science Policy Fellow On May 10, 2022 the Senate confirmed Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe as the Director of the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science. Dr. Berhe was first nominated on April 22, 2021, and then [...]
Durante la vigésima edición del Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología (EJIP), celebrada en Cañaveral de León (Huelva) del 19 al 22 abril, María Gutiérrez-Gálvez y Adán Pérez García presentaron el trabajo titulado [...]
I have good news! When I visited the trees I'm following this year—a balsam poplar and a quaking aspen in the Laramie Mountains—I found persistent snow but also many signs of spring. It was so nice to see the area coming alive. Made me feel [...]
Como os contamos en la charla del pasado 24 de marzo en el café “El Dinosaurio”, los primeros cómics españoles con dinosaurios que hemos documentado datan de los años 20 del pasado siglo. De modo que, además del XII aniversario del blog, [...]
Down in the Chinatown and Produce District area, we have some special rock-lined gutters, ranging from fine . . . to funky. They’re the nearest thing Oakland has to cobblestone streets, and they serve the same purpose: heavy duty traffic. The [...]
Nooa doesn't produce an official map in the normal 'hockey stick' format, like above. You have to jiggle the parameters, and they can deny they have anything to do with it.You can draw any straight line through this that you want and you can [...]
ReferenceWe saw this a while ago, everybody backing out of housing sales. That costs them a pretty penny. Housing prices only fall if people are forced to sell, or the buyer drops out. There has to be distress in order for a housing crash. [...]
The inaugural class of Climate School students have finished their courses and donned their light blue caps and robes for the
Searing and unprecedented heat early in the year triggered a glacier lake outburst flood in Pakistan, destroying a bridge important for domestic tourism and international
ReferenceA nice story concerning the amount of brains in the remote country-side. A real bridge would have cost 1 million, and they would only pay 300K. Instead, the opted for the same cost, but made out of soggy cardboard. The rules seem [...]