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Frontiers in Earth Sciences plans to publish a new Special Issue (Research Topic as they call it) on “Seismically deforming active plates above active subduction zones: geological, paleoseismological and geodetic perspectives”. Deadline for [...]
Last time, we looked briefly at my new paper Almost all known sauropod necks are incomplete and distorted (Taylor 2022). As hinted at in that post, this paper had a difficult and protracted genesis. I thought it might be interesting to watch the [...]
The end-Triassic mass extinction (ETME), one of the Phanerozoic’s largest mass extinctions, is typically attributed to climate change associated with degassing of basalt flows from the central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) emplaced during the [...]
Energy modernization is the goal, greenhouse gas reduction is a much-needed
The plume from the North Pole has sucked up some warm air from the Gulf. Hidden within it is a cold blob that looks to be too small to be called anything else.Things are generally cold.However, the plumes that are going up in the N. Atlantic are [...]
Yeah, I got it right again. It's the timing that's important since you are betting against dummies who believe warmies. It should hit the peak before, until the storage report comes out. It will only go 'monster' if the dummies think that [...]
ReferenceThis is a fun article, in that it lists all the 'Gods of Global Warming' defending to the last.I greatly enjoy their quality control. They got the co2 coefficient by back-dragging, and now they check the results by the same method. [...]
A participant shares what drew him to Climate School’s Professional Learning Program, and how it’s advancing his career and
Este jueves 27 de enero comenzaremos con los actos de celebración de nuestro duodécimo aniversario con la conferencia "Los Follasaurios, las eróticas aventuras de un paleoilustrador" a cargo de José Antonio Peñas. Será a las 20:00 en El [...]
When the wind can produce more power than is needed, that unused power could be used to remove carbon from the air and lock it