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In a word, yes, the type of soil on the baseball field greatly affects how players perform! Professional baseball fields are built from many types of soil. You might never guess that beneath the athletes’ feet is a precisely-engineered mixture [...]
Voice of the Future is an opportunity for young people who are interested in science and politics to engage with MPs and Ministers about the topics that matter the most to them. Continue reading →
Last night a thought occurred to me, and I wrote to Matt: If birds had gone extinct 66 Mya along with all the other dinosaurs, would it ever have occurred to us that they had flow-through lungs? Is there — can there be, outside of amazing [...]
The Little Ice Age (lia) was off and on. One winter the Thames froze, and then nothing the next. I never figured that out, until this winter.The Arctic is a big bowl of milk. It has highlands all around except in a few places. This winter, [...]
After days of moping, I have finally figured out a response to my brow-beating on Mastodon.***** #weather Scientific Method OK, a major disagreement on the philosophy of the SM. It is my understanding that the SM [...]
If anything happens in the world, you know the standard explanation. Like I've said, it used to be 'God's Will' and now it's 'climate change'. we do have a mechanism that was discovered before nasa shut down all atmospheric [...]
Se ha publicado recientemente en el volumen especial homenaje a Emiliano Jiménez Fuentes de la revista The Anatomical Record, el primer estudio neuroanatómico de una tortuga extinta perteneciente al grupo Podocnemididae. Neochelys es un género, [...]
la sbagliatissima carta che vorrebbe rappresentare l'Italia nel Pliocene
Circola in questi giorni una carta dove sarebbe rappresentata l’Italia del Pliocene. Nella vita la abbiamo vista tutti almeno una volta, vista la sua presenza in quasi [...]
This post may be a first in the multi-year run of this blog, not because it ignores fossils completely (that’s not unprecedented), but because it may be disconnected altogether from natural history (unless etymology can be construed as part of [...]
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