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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Geoblogosphere weekly review (15th week of 2023, 192 weeks ago)
Most active blogs:
- ARCHEA (7 posts)
- Ontario-geofish (6 posts)
- State of the Planet (5 posts)
- Geology Happens (4 posts)
- Adventures in Geology and GeoHazards (4 posts)
- Koprolitos (2 posts)
- Earth Learning Idea (1 posts)
- Oakland Geology (1 posts)
- Reporting on a Revolution (1 posts)
- Real Climate (1 posts)
Most visited blogs:
- ARCHEA (941 visits)
- State of the Planet (842 visits)
- Ontario-geofish (601 visits)
- Geology Happens (577 visits)
- Oakland Geology (492 visits)
- Paleoseismicity (395 visits)
- Real Climate (386 visits)
- Environment and Geology (349 visits)
- Koprolitos (198 visits)
- Adventures in Geology and GeoHazards (162 visits)
Top keywords:
- Education (2)
- Energy (1)
- Astronomy (1)
- Deep Oakland (1)
- Climate Science (1)
- Paper (1)
- Ilustración (1)
- Earth Sciences (1)
- admin (1)
- Earth energy / processes (1)
The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
A little geology knowledge can be transforming, and a lot can put you in weird territory. But it doesn’t feel so weird to me. You’ve heard of geologic time, the Earth’s lifespan, an ocean of time so deep — billions of years — that it’s [...]
This is the longest list of papers we had since ages. We start with a brand new review article on recent developments in onshore paleoseismology by Jim McCalpin et al. Also in the list are plenty of papers on classical paleoseismology and [...]
Puffins are any of three small species of alcids or auks in the bird genus Fratercula with a brightly coloured beak during the breeding season.
Their sexy orange beaks shift from a dull grey to bright orange when it is time to attract a mate. While [...]
The summary for policymakers of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sixth synthesis report was released on March 20th (available online as a PDF). There is a recording of the IPCC Press Conference – Climate Change 2023: Synthesis [...]
This disarticulated fellow is Mammutus primigenius a Woolly Mammoth from the Pleistocene of Siberia, Russia. He's now housed in the Museo Nacional De Ciencias Naturales in Madrid, Spain in a display that shows thoughtful comparisons between the [...]
I was just showing my little charts, like this one.I was pointing out that the end of the chart showed us getting colder. In fact, the chart is exactly the same as the Arctic ice volume chart, because the basic mechanics is the same.This [...]
A faculty advisor in the Environmental Science and Policy program, Patterson shares her professional journey, emphasizing the importance of following your passions rather than staying in a job that doesn’t align with your morals and
Scientists are exploring a variety of ways to provide raw materials for the energy transition with less harm to people and the