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An innovative project led by Chilean engineers tests an Indigenous Himalayan technology in a new place. It has faced unique sociopolitical
Nobody reads this, but the new ocean current maps show a totally disjointed Pacific Belt. There is no dominant current.So, the ocean temp chart shows a dynamic change to getting colder, and the ocean temp anomaly map has no change at all. You [...]
It's horrible sludge air this morning. Haven't experienced that in a long time, and I threw that memory out of my mind. If we didn't have smoke, we would just have vehicle smog.In the good old days of the warm cycle, we would have a lot of [...]
ReferenceI liked this article, but it is written by influencers about influencers. They have it all wrong, but there is some of what I said, mainly on the 'safety culture'. You've got their boss bragging about how clean the interior is, with [...]
Diversi anni fa avevo scritto un post sulle relazioni più antiche fra i gruppi ancestrali di Animalia. Dall’epoca sono cambiate alcune cose, sia per nuove scoperte di fossili, come il più antico bilatero (Ikaria wariootia) e uno cnidario [...]
Otro julio más nuevos materiales procedentes de la Formación Arcillas de Morella en Castellón se han presentado en la pasada 20th Annual Conference de la European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (EAVP) celebrada en Sabadell [...]
For many geologists the field season is up ahead or has already started, but perhaps you will find some time to read through the latest literature? Or you can use the winter season in the southern hemisphere to enjoy a good read? It would be a pity [...]
Editor’s Note: We are looking up as HMNS Astronomer James Wooten explains the sky happenings for the month of July, Earth’s aphelion and the sweltering Texas heat. Venus remains in the evening sky for one more month. It is high in the west [...]
As the nation and city decarbonize and move toward electricity-based energy systems, new technologies will continue to emerge, and we will need to develop rules to ensure that new technologies are deployed
This picture is of an Euproops danae (Meek & Worthen, 1868) horseshoe crab fossil. It was found in Carbondale Formation of Grundy County, Illinois USA. It
dates to the Pennsylvanian Period. Its U.S. National Museum catalog number is 38854.