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This is just interesting, and doesn't mean much, but demonstrates an important principle.We are getting a Pacific plume crossing the mountains, which gives us cool, dry air. These plumes are also shutting off the Arctic spillways. All the [...]
Still no sign of an ocean current map. The last week or two has been characterized by strong Pacific plumes coming over NA. This gives us nice dry fall weather. A far cry from the summer pattern of Arctic cold blobs meeting Gulf hot blobs [...]
I am replacing my Zoneminder system with Frigate. It does AI recognition with an attached Coral accelerator, which does something like a trillion ops per second. Being raised on linear processing, I find it a stretch to do parallel processing, [...]
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Solar Opposites: "The Pronunciation Cassette Tapes"El pasado 14 de agosto se estrenó en la Fox el cuarto episodio de la cuarta temporada de la serie Solar Opposites (2020), que lleva por título “The Pronunciation Cassette Tapes”.
Justin [...]
Der Sommer 2023 ist Geschichte. Einerseits hat der kalendarische Herbst begonnen, andererseits hat der Sommer 2023 wirklich Geschichte geschrieben. Er war der wärmste Sommer seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen im Jahr 1880. Aber er steht nicht …
Der [...]
New ELI - 'Scary scorpions; make your own scorpion and imagine how it lived'.This ELI gives an introduction to fossil aquatic scorpions; bringing the animal back to life and investigating the Silurian seas. You can also have fun making your own [...]
Atmospheric scientist Michela Biasutti investigates what drives rainfall on a wide variety of time scales, and how climate change may affect it. She is passing on the basics to
Zoologist Perfumes es una orgullosa empresa canadiense ubicada en Toronto fundada por Victor Wong en 2013, . Su fascinación por los animales no tiene límites y en sus propias palabras: "sus hábitats, comportamientos y miradas; sus [...]
An atmospheric scientist has been working to measure and mitigate a longtime health crisis afflicting much of the