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Let’s look again at Figure 7 of our recent paper on bifurcated cervical ribs in apatosaurines: In this figure, the red muscles (longus colli ventralis) are primarily ventral muscles used to draw the neck downwards, while the blue muscles (flexor [...]
If there is one thing we know about leftwingers is that they wouldn't know physics if it hit them on the head. Physics is a threat to their fantasy, but sooner or later the physics chickens come home to roost.This plan is to take [...]
The Monster Atlantic Gyre continues its 'rain' of terror. I need more physics to have a hypothesis that encompasses this. For now, we'll just call it
We continue our fossils theme with 'Who ate the ammonite? - a Jurassic food web - from fossil evidence'.This activity could be included in any lesson which involves discussion about carnivore/herbivore, predator/prey relationships, building food [...]
Niels Bohr diceva che "è difficile fare delle previsioni, specialmente per il futuro". Quanto sta succedendo nei dintorni di Grindavik, nella penisola di Reykjanes è una applicazione pratica in senso vulcanologico di questo detto: dopo che [...]
This was a tiny earthquake for this type of geology.An M6 (single digit precision) could be a foreshock, or it is just on its own. This was a thrust earthquake, in the Tibet push zone (from the India push). It [...]
– Focus: Mexican Pacific coast – Subduction Zone– Responsibilities: Field and lab research on coastal geomorphology and tectonic deformation, or/and earthquake, and tsunami geology– Qualifications: Recent Ph.D. in earth sciences, desirable [...]
Hace ya un lustro, el 11 de diciembre de 2018, te ofrecíamos en Twitter (llámalo “X”) el testimonio de Charlie Mínguez sobre su jefe, Marcus Wooten. Simultáneamente, descubríamos la primera de las quince piezas del puzle que formaba el [...]
No sabemos cuántos de nuestros lectores serán aficionados a "Magic: The Gathering", el famoso juego de cartas que vio su origen en los ya no tan cercanos 90. Si es tu caso, enhorabuena, porque hoy venimos a hablar de una nueva expansión de este [...]
Zum 01.08.2025 wird eine Persönlichkeit gesucht, die dieses Fach in Forschung und Lehre vertritt. Die Bewerberinnen bzw. Bewerber sollen ein breites Spektrum geographisch-geomorphologischer
Inhalte im Be-reich der Erdoberfläche [...]