The 10 most frequently clicked posts:
Makauwahi Cave and Sinkhole as it is todayI learned to my great surprise that Hawai'i has a few (very few, really) limestone caves. In part one I talked about the odd origin of Makauwahi Cave on the island of Kauai. In that post we learned [...]
Next stop on this trip was the Shetland Islands - the northernmost part of Scotland. We anchored off of the largest city, Lerwick. It has a population of about 7,000 but I did not experience it as I selected a trip that moved south along the east [...]
How do you define an alkie? Heavy alkies polish off two bottles of wine before dinner, and then go for a big hunk of strong stuff, and can live to 65 before the liver conks out.But there are those of us who have high anxiety, and [...]
Remember that this is 6 days behind. Those guys who splashed 'World's Hottest Day' got that wrong. Then it was Oops - another one. This was a little blip that has no explanation in physics. [...]
Fusion, like AI, is starting to run into physics. I've always found that the physics you can ignore, is the long-term stuff, like scaling. The short-term physics, like a hammer dropping on your foot, cannot be ignored, [...]
Oh, this is climate change. No! It's another Arctic blob coming down. All this rain is caused by cold fronts coming in strong. All the storms generated practically on top of us. I [...]
We had incredibly nice cottage weather this past week. That was due to a strong Pacific typhoon coming over the mountains. That gave us hot weather with a chance to sleep in the old tin shed.No more Pacific [...]
Visitors to the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt, in Lakeside Park, are greeted by a large gongshi or scholar’s stone. With the garden’s 25th anniversary coming up this fall, I thought I’d give it a closer look. Traditional Chinese gongshi can be [...]
I ran into some info on company hijinks. Similar things have happened to bozo-ing and Nortel. For years, they kept their stock prices high by massaging quarterly results. It lifts the price, if they have [...]
¿Recordáis "Tankers", la miniserie de cómics de la editorial Bad Idea que trataba sobre una empresa que decidía usar los viajes en el tiempo al Mesozoico para solucionar la crisis del petróleo? Seguro que sí, pero por si necesitáis que os [...]