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I’m delighted that today I have a new paper out with a really exciting new pterosaur, that I think adds an awful lot to our understanding of pterosaur evolution, as well as the animal itself being rather interesting. It’s often fairly easy to [...]
We have had a new paper out constraining the age of the largest and oldest impact basin on the Moon to over 4.32 billion years ago. The Moon, like the Earth, has been bombarded by asteroids and comets since its … Continue reading →
Michael Burger, executive director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, discussed recent developments in climate litigation and the questions they raise for the
A Q&A with Jeffrey Schlegelmilch, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at the Columbia Climate School, about the unique certificate program and its holistic approach to disaster
For our wedding anniversary last year (30 years!), Fiona gave me the very wonderful Lego 21320 kit, Dinosaur Fossils, which builds into impressive skeletons of Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops and Pteranodon. This is a truly great kit and I’d encourage [...]
Climate change is altering a centuries-old Shinto ritual in Japan, highlighting the importance of addressing the less visible signs of a changing
North America is still a mess.But Europe is seeing tremendous action.The cold spill has stopped all the plumes in a straight line. Very rare. This should be a major push by the
All the warmie news is on the BC bomb cyclone. It looks exactly the same as any other cyclone, but the added descriptor makes it a clange thing. We will soon hear that 'da bomb' is ten times more likely with clange.Are [...]
Zhūluójì Rùqīn (Sun Yu, 2024)
Que los chinos se han lanzado de lleno a producir películas de dinosaurios no es ninguna novedad para los seguidores del blog, aunque el boom del género es bastante reciente. Sin ánimo chauvinista, [...]
This picture is of a Lithomantis bohemica (Novák) mayfly wing fossil. It existed during the Carboniferous period. The fossil was found in Stradonice Czech Republic.
Fossil was on display at the Natural
History Museum Vienna (Naturhistorisches [...]