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I am starting to work out the hypothesis for the Earth's climate. It's all due to ocean currents. The currents act as a giant heat pipe to shunt away heat and radiate it to outer space. The Earth has an excess [...]
Over the years, I’ve written up a few side trips from various BART stations (El Cerrito, Lafayette and Warm Springs here and Hayward, 16th/Mission and the phantom Irvington station elsewhere). Time for a look at Concord, where one of our major [...]
ReferenceI've been saying that for a few years now. "If our body’s immune cells overreact and over produce inflammatory cytokines, this condition will lead to non-specific activation of our immune cells which in [...]
That little West Pacific heat event punched way beyond its weight. The warmies danced in the streets. Now, it is done.This blob isn't in the Toronto weather yet, but I don't see anything stopping it. A huge [...]
This is something I never do, check the cold army in the evening. I have a strict policy of hanging up my brain to dry at night. Last night was horrible with brain storms about that darn equatorial current.But things [...]
This is a clean westerly current. The return current that fooled nooa, is gone.The Gulf Stream is more active up the Iceland Gap. This will stop ice forming in the region, and may stop 'Freezing of the Thames'.You can [...]
New ELI today is 'Make a mini lime kiln and discover limelight; investigating the results of heating limestone.'This ELI is a pupil activity to decompose limestone by heat and to discuss the uses of the resulting quicklime. It's a good activity for [...]
The PATA Days are the meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology, organised within the framework of INQUA‘s TERPRO commission. The official website has been launched, containing all infos on the programme, field trips, [...]
Saluti, amanti dei dinosauri! Benvenuti a un nuovo post su Theropoda Blogspot, dove ci immergiamo nell'affascinante mondo dei rettili preistorici. Oggi metteremo sotto la lente d'ingrandimento la accurata rappresentazione dei dinosauri nel mondo [...]
Lots of trouble and gives me a headache. Have to do it on a pure android tablet and I use my Ipvanish app and paid account.Here is my polar bear. 'Armored polar bear' is copyrighted.And the flaming dancing