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In honor of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we talk to Ivanovich, who is studying climate extremes and humid
"Bone Wars" es un juego de mesa creado por el belga Wim Goossens y que ha sido lanzado por Game Brewer en Europa y Maldito Games en España. En "Bone Wars", los jugadores asumen el papel de paleontólogos de finales del siglo XIX. Como ya [...]
Students at Merritt College must often wonder about the big expanse of empty land north of the campus — loosely fenced off, dotted with piles of wood chips, gravel everywhere. Campus old-timers may remember it as rough parking lots. Oakland [...]
I'm still looking outside, it's amazing. I've been following this for years, the contrarian to the warmies. And now it is happening.We don't know how rapidly the Little Ice Age came in, or even the recent [...]
I don't know what I was thinking. I thought that a hint of running out would zoom up the price, but the prices have no physics. These are 30 day futures, and everything is a dream.On Thursday, the EIA puts out the [...]
To the natgas speculators now reading my blog, the physics is showing that all heat (80%) for the earth comes from the oceans. Water has something like 4000 times the heat energy density of air, yet our former warmies just looked [...]
My Whatsapp profile description says, "what's a few million years here and there".It is a tongue in cheek acknowledgment of the vast spans of time geologists often have to contend with. If I am studying a rock that formed more than a [...]
As I look out on my driveway, I am looking for heat. We will usually break a winter by having warm Pacific air wash over us. No such luck.Pacific plumes aren't coming anywhere close to us, and the Atlantic plumes only [...]
Snow ain't over 'till the fat lady is covered. Tons of snow coming in.You can see sheets of cold blobs coming down. It's like when rain hits the windows heavily, and you see endless arcs of water.The poor [...]
The ELI today is - Marie Tharp: "The valley will be coming up soon". Bruce Heezen: "What valley?" ‘A woman scientist in a man’s world’ – what was it like?Marie Tharp identified oceanic rift [...]