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Dear Colleagues, We are aiming to organize a special issue titled: Intraplate Tectonics: Earthquakes, active tectonics, and seismic hazard in regions of slow lithospheric deformation. This special issue will complement a number of recent [...]
It took a while, but now it’s finally here: Understanding Past Earthquakes, an open access book on the science of identifying large earthquakes. It deals with fundamental questions on large past events: Where did earthquakes occur? How large were [...]
La sismicità in Etiopia e quella vicino a Santorini che stiamo registrando in quest’ultimo periodo sono un po' diverse da quelle “normali” per frequenza e distribuzione degli eventi. Questo fa pensare che nell’origine di questi terremoti e [...]
Horseshoe crabs are marine and brackish water arthropods of the order Xiphosura — a slowly evolving, conservative taxa.Much like (slow) Water Striders (Aquarius remigis), (relatively sluggish) Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) and (the current [...]
Hope you are enjoying that nice Pacific air coming over us. There's no more coming for a while. Instead, we have another Arctic blob. I always look at the forecast first.And there, at the end, we have a big swoop [...]
Huadanosaurus (da Qiu et al. 2025)Qiu et al. (2025) descrivono due theropodi di piccole dimensioni dal
Biota Jehol della Cina, ed istituiscono alcuni nuovi taxa: una
seconda specie di Sinosauropteryx, S. lingyuanensis, ed
un nuovo genere, [...]
We've had this before, a weak blob hits the Pacific air and slides down the slippery slope, like a kid in the playground. Toronto just gets freezing rain and snow.This will be corrected soon, as the Arctic turns black [...]
The Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church was established in 1849 and is Ohio’s first Black church and the only surviving antebellum Black church in the state of Ohio. The building is now being restored under the direction of Hardlines Design, [...]
Here is a picture of a recently found fossil that appears to be a Globigerina (d'Orbigny, 1826) foraminifera. The fossil widest length is approximately 280 microns. It was at Del Rio Shoal Creek, Texas USA. This creature existed during the [...]
The new ELI today is 'When did the poles ‘flip’? Simulating how the Earth’s Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale was established.'This activity can be used to help teach students to understand how the pattern of [...]