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Monday, 15 August 2022

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Introducing Deep Oakland: The title 

Oakland Geology [17:01:55]  recommend  recommend this post  (350 visits) info
This post is the first of a weekly series that will summarize my upcoming book, Deep Oakland: How Geology Shaped a City. The book has eleven chapters, and each post will go into one of them. But first I wanted to talk about the title. I was raised a Navy child, and I’ve lived in

And we all got covid 

Ontario-geofish [16:55:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (312 visits) info
 We had the amazing wedding reception, jammed into a video game bar.  And now we all have covid.  Not your mother's covid, but the new strain.  As I said a long time ago, these things evolve to match the conditions.  The new covid is highly contagious through the air, into the eyes.  But I had a really sore throat overnight, and now I'm fine.  Everybody else has a one-day cold.Your immune


ARCHEA [18:13:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (286 visits) info
Totem, Welcome & Mortuary Poles at Stanley ParkIf you visit Brockton Point in Stanley Park, there are many carved red cedar First Nation poles for you to admire.  What you are viewing are replicas of [...]

Everything you want to know about Mining and the Green Revolution 

Earth Learning Idea [13:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (109 visits) info
The Earthlearningidea Team is very pleased to announce the launch of 'Mining and the Green Revolution' videos and explanatory powerpoint created by Ben Lepley, SRK Consulting (UK) Ltd. Each video has [...]

Faculty Spotlight: Rhiannon Gulick 

State of the Planet [15:30:36]  recommend  recommend this post  (54 visits) info
This fall, she’ll be co-teaching ‘Energy and Sustainable Development’ — a class that emphasizes how to ask good


ARCHEA [01:05:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (41 visits) info
This cutie is a Triceratops. The name means three-horned face in Greek but they might have been named Little Hooves instead as a nod to their weight-bearing fingers and toes that ended in sweet little [...]

La Voz del Mesozoico (XIV): El mundo perdido 

Koprolitos [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (34 visits) info
Si el diplodocus donado por Carnegie al Museo de Ciencias Naturales en 1913 fue el primer esqueleto de un dinosaurio del que pudimos disfrutar los españoles, una década después la magia del cine les [...]

New Release – Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country, 2nd Edition 

Utah Geological Survey - blog [17:19:38]  recommend  recommend this post  (199 visits) info
Download PDF New Release: Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country, 2nd Edition Structural damage to a building in downtown Magna caused by the 2020 M5.7 Magna earthquake. The unreinforced masonry, [...]

How does young soil support plant life? 

SOILS MATTER, GET THE SCOOP! [08:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (83 visits) info
In order to grow well, plants need a place to grow, access to nutrients, and in most cases sunlight. A rich soil provides that home and a good supply of nutrients. But young soils have less to offer – yes, [...]

Harlem Week Event Discusses Environmental Justice and a More Equitable Future 

State of the Planet [23:56:53]  recommend  recommend this post  (51 visits) info
A century ago, the Harlem Renaissance changed the worlds of art and culture. Could Harlem one day become a leader in the transition to a green

Predicting the Future of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

State of the Planet [14:27:04]  recommend  recommend this post  (41 visits) info
The transition away from fossil fuels will take a generation: it is a matter of decades, not days, weeks, months, or years. It requires understanding the problem's scale and uncertainty and the role of the [...]

Green Guidance: Forests Point the Way to Better Stormwater Management 

Lake Scientist [14:00:20]  recommend  recommend this post  (16 visits) info
Inspired by nature, recent research shows how stormwater management could be improved by using green infrastructure techniques. The post Green Guidance: Forests Point the Way to Better Stormwater Management [...] | Impressum