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Thursday, 01 June 2023

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Arctic blob comes down to save us 

Ontario-geofish [17:20:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (36 visits) info
 The blobs are weak now, but stronger than the weak, stagnant warm air.  This will give us a bit of relief with cool nights.  ps.  and my buddy gets Rain in SpainOf course, he'll come up with something boring, like 'no rain here'.  But I am inspired to make a song with Frosty the Snowman.Pepe the Paper Mache ScarecrowPepe the paper mache scarecrow, blah blah blahFrosty the Snowman

Linux - using 'deface' 

Ontario-geofish [16:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (38 visits) info
 You can look up this python tool, and it is easy to install locally.It works perfectly.  Can you recognize

Announcing a New Podcast: DoveTale 

State of the Planet [16:17:27]  recommend  recommend this post  (76 visits) info
Science and technology alone cannot solve climate change. The DoveTale podcast explores the interconnecting ethical, spiritual, psychological, moral, artistic, and historical dimensions of on-the-ground [...]

Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems Conference Brings Ancient Worlds to Salt Lake City 

Utah Geological Survey - blog [16:01:35]  recommend  recommend this post  (214 visits) info
The post Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems Conference Brings Ancient Worlds to Salt Lake City appeared first on Utah Geological

Calymene? Trilobite Fossil 

Louisville Area Fossils [05:59:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (47 visits) info
  A few weekends ago, I was able to attend a field trip to Napoleon, Indiana USA. While there, I found this partial trilobite fossil which might be a Calymene (Brongniart, 1822). It dates to the Silurian [...]

How do soil microarthropods affect crop production?  

SOILS MATTER, GET THE SCOOP! [16:02:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (114 visits) info
Most people rarely think of the thousands, if not millions, of living things they step on every day. Soil mesofauna are the tiny arthropods that live beneath our feet, ranging in size from 100µm to 2mm, which [...]

Giants (2023) 

Koprolitos [11:34:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (74 visits) info
Prácticamente a la vez que Prehistoric Planet 2 (aunque con mucho menos ruido mediático y, suponemos, menos éxito) se ha estrenado el documental "Giants", de la plataforma Curiosity Stream. "Giants" es un [...]


ARCHEA [00:24:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (65 visits) info
This dapper fellow is a pine needle and horsetail connoisseur. He's a hadrosaurus — a duck-billed dinosaur. They were a very successful group of plant-eaters that thrived throughout western Canada during the [...] | Impressum