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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Wednesday, 22 November 2023
The return current is still staying north of the equator, but must decay as things get colder. We'll expect the 'off axis' action to move to the south. The current is really ratty to the east. You can see that a 'full return' is still giving us heat to the west. The concept of El Nino is way more complex than the media tells
This cold air glacier is coming down right on US Thanksgiving. I think it might be a bit late to give us a good movie. I hope everybody is tucked into a good dinner before it
We've just come off a horrendous time for amd's with the built-in gpu. i'm glad I wasn't the only one, It is most important to stay in the main bulge of users with your equipment. For a while, I thought [...]
Prendo spunto dalla alluvione che ha colpito la Toscana il 2 novembre per una serie di riflessioni generali sulle alluvioni in Italia in questi ultimi tempi. Le cause di questa impressionante serie di [...]
You can see that perfect arc slowly descending. At this time of year, it's only -40, but Greenland is getting that rosy glow of -60. At those temperatures, you don't care about F or C.Spotty is decaying [...]
The post Enjoy Scenic Utah Geology with the 2024 UGS Calendar! appeared first on Utah Geological
ReferenceMy Christmas gifts are coming in, as physics hits the popular press. These researchers are still obligated to say 'We don't have a clue what is causing this.', and the climate scienteests trash [...]
Ya sabéis que a veces en esta sección no solemos encontrar demasiada información sobre el o la artista que os presentamos, y nos limitamos a poner un enlace a sus redes sociales y una selección de [...]