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Thursday, 25 July 2024

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Cottage report - July 25 

Ontario-geofish [23:43:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (159 visits) info
 By now it should be really hot, but I'm wearing a jacket.  Very windy.  Good for working, and we trimmed some trees, and cut the branches up for the sauna.  The warmies are trying to make this a hot summer, and they are forced to be very

Visiting Hawai'i...for the Limestone Caverns? (Part one) 

Geotripper [23:27:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (157 visits) info
People visit Hawai'i for a great many reasons. There are the stereotypical reasons: beautiful beaches, surfing, palm trees, luaus and so on. There are other reasons: a wish to learn about the culture of the many people groups who call the island home, some of them for upwards of a thousand years. There are others who find fascination with volcanoes and lava flows. And the biology! The

Worlds hottest days driven by Southern Hemisphere 

Ontario-geofish [22:36:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (156 visits) info
 We are freezing here in the north, but every day we see a news article on how it is the single hottest day in the world.There it is, our hottest days.  It's a spike and will soon be [...]

Icelandic Glacier Runs for President, Sparking Rights of Nature Movement 

State of the Planet [15:54:46]  recommend  recommend this post  (75 visits) info
As global efforts to recognize the legal rights of nature have increased, one campaign took an unusual approach: nominating a glacier for

Carteles alternativos de Jurassic Park (II) 

Koprolitos [10:00:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (113 visits) info
Andrew Swainson Hace algunos años, a las puertas del rodaje de la cuarta parte de la franquicia jurásica (si que ha llovido...), recopilamos unas cuantas versiones del cartel de la original "Jurassic [...]

The root of all Windows data breaches 

Ontario-geofish [00:04:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (136 visits) info
 The article goes on that a top executive played a driving simulation on his office computer.  Those guys have doors, and are all related.  The Windage system is a giant mono-culture [...]

Oxygen - is Sunshine Needed? 

Geology in the West Country [18:06:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (137 visits) info
Oxygen - is Sunshine Needed? Geologists used to think that free oxygen is the result of life, cholesterol and sunshine. But THIS ARTICLE suggests that we will have to change our ideas. The article is based [...]

Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 2024 

Earth & Solar System [10:51:23]  recommend  recommend this post  (84 visits) info
This year the Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society will be taking place in Brussels, Belgium, between 28th July and 2nd August. Several member of the group will be attending this conference to present [...]

The July 23, 2024 Hydrothermal Blast at Yellowstone National Park 

Earthly Musings [00:57:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (67 visits) info
The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory has issued a report on the hydrothermal blast in the Biscuit Basin area of the Park on July 23. I have copied their news release in its entirety here. It was NOT a volcanic [...] | Impressum