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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Tuesday, 06 August 2024
Bits of plants and insects under thousands of meters of ice at the center of Greenland show that tundra existed there within the last million
The post Utah Geological Survey Launches New Utah Groundwater Data Hub appeared first on Utah Geological
New faculty members from a variety of disciplines will add to the breadth of Climate School education
Phosphorus Presence leads to Macrofossils?
It is thought that the lack of phosphorus (P) was what stopped the evolution of unicellular life into complex life in the Pre-Cambrian. The increase in P allowed [...]
Oh, this is climate change. No! It's another Arctic blob coming down. All this rain is caused by cold fronts coming in strong. All the storms [...]
The world temperatures reflect every detail of the Antarctic temperatures.Note the tiny curve at the end.This is the Antarctic rise at 30 below. That represents zero heat energy, yet it [...]
Hace algo más de un año conocíamos por aquí a Jamie Chase, artista originario de San Francisco (California, Estados Unidos) que inspiraba muchas de sus obras en 'The Land that Time Forgot', 'The Land [...]