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Friday, 14 February 2025

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Nothing happening for the weather -- no natgas panic 

Ontario-geofish [22:52:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (11 visits) info
 Natgas is going up slowly.  I've looked around, and there is no indicator at all, on how close to disaster everything is.  I was hoping there was some 'heating degree day' chart that would work, and there isn't.  We don't know anything about natgas storage, and how close it is to empty.I also thought the fact that noaa has completely changed it's long-term forecast would

Women in Science: Climate and Wildfire Researcher Caroline Juang 

State of the Planet [20:32:44]  recommend  recommend this post  (6 visits) info
In honor of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we profile Caroline Juang, who studies how climate change is impacting wildfires out

How Is Climate Change Affecting Your Valentine’s Day Chocolate? 

State of the Planet [15:55:09]  recommend  recommend this post  (5 visits) info
Professor of Climate Jessica Fanzo explains what cacao trees need to thrive, and how climate change is making chocolate production more

The big rains finally hit California 

Ontario-geofish [13:01:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (5 visits) info
 This is the exact same pattern of Arctic cold that fanned the flames.  Now, it is hitting a string of warmth, and you get rain.  I predicted disaster weeks ago, since I saw no [...]

Webinar on Paleoseismology with Prof. McCalpin, 16 February 

Paleoseismicity [11:44:47]  recommend  recommend this post  (49 visits) info
Prof. McCalpinwill give a talk on paleoseismology, its history, and its applications in the framework of the GeoLearn Hub and the Geohazards Communities online: Sunday, 16 February, 13:00 GMT. The webinar will [...]


ARCHEA [02:06:00]  recommend  recommend this post  info
A wee baby deep chocolate Ainoceras sp. heteromorph ammonite from Vancouver Island. This adorable corkscrew-shaped ammonite is an extinct marine mollusc related to squid and octopus.  Within [...]

L'Enigma del Sangue Caldo 

Theropoda [15:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (5 visits) info
 Esce oggi il mio nuovo libro dedicato ad una delle più accese controversie sulla biologia dei dinosauri: L'Enigma del Sangue Caldo.Il libro è disponibile in formato cartaceo [...]

The Cold Goes On 

Ontario-geofish [12:30:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (4 visits) info
 Yesterday was a historic day.  The warmie groupthink collapsed under its own weight, and no media outlet said a word.  Nasa and noaa threw in the frozen towel, and produced a [...]

Esculturas dinosaurianas de carretera bajo la lente de John Margolies (II) 

Koprolitos [11:38:00]  recommend  recommend this post  (2 visits) info
Como ya vimos en la primera entrega publicada hace unas semanas, el arquitecto John Margolies recorrió durante años Estados Unidos documentando las construcciones de dudoso gusto diseminadas por las [...] | Impressum