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News from the Geoblogosphere
New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Woolly Mammoths, Mammuthus primigenius, have always held wonder for me. These massive, hairy — and likely very smelly beasts — lived alongside us for a time. If you stood beside him and reached way up, you might be able to touch his tusks but likely not reach up to his mouth or even his eyes. He had a shaggy coat of light or dark coloured hair with long outer hair strands
This is a guest post by Szymon Świątek New research challenges the assumption that only strong earthquakes cause liquefaction. Scientists from Poland demonstrated that even low-magnitude shocks (~M3.5) can trigger sediment deformation in water-saturated fine-grained sediments. This finding expands our understanding of seismic activity and its effects on geological structures. The study revealed that sediment composition plays a crucial role in liquefaction susceptibility. Upper sandy layers, [...]
I'm always right, but my timing is always so off, as to make that irrelevant. I thought the Toronto housing market would crash in 2007. On the short term at the cottage, if I say [...]
What? Only job cuts? Anyway, you can only lose so many people before you might as well get rid of everybody. The people they cut do all the and natgas [...]
Hace algún tiempo que no nos pasamos por la archiconocida editorial de cómics Marvel, y lo curioso es que recientemente la Casa de las Ideas nos va dejando pildoritas aquí y allá de temática [...]
Congestion pricing is already delivering results, but what can New Yorkers expect in the months to
This is the same pattern as the last two storms.Everything is the same, so it should be squeezed to the East Coast again. The cold however, the regular weather forecast has [...]
This post was written by Rhian Jones Two new papers have been published, describing exciting results about the minerals and organic materials in asteroid Bennu. NASA’s OSIRIS-REx space mission successfully [...]