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Promicroceras Ammonite Fossils
These fossil ammonites are a
Promicroceras sp.
found in the Black Ven Marls Member. These small creatures existed in the Sinemurian age or stage (about 191 million years ago) in the Early Jurassic Period. This age was named in 1842 by Alcide d'Orbigny and named after the Semur-en-Brionnais, France [source Wikipedia]. Lyme Regis is found on the Charmouth coast of Dorset, England and is home of the famous paleontologist Mary Anning. Lyme Regis is famous for their fossils particularly ammonites.
These fossils are part of the
Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from Gondwana
exhibit at the Museum of Natural History and Science in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was photographed in August 2013. The dinosaur exhibit was created by the Royal Ontario Museum of Toronto Canada.
The exhibit was supported by Associate Exhibit Sponsor Frisch's restaurant and Promotional Partners Cincinnati Reds baseball, newspaper The Enquirer and TV channel Local 12 WKRO Cincinnati.