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New from Snet: Lithologs, a new tool to create lithological/sedimentological logs online..

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AGU2014 first impressions #1

I am for the first time attending to the AGU meeting (SF, CA). I confess I’m a bit surprise to say that I’m really enjoying it. In these kind of mega meetings like the EGU (which I’ve attended several times before) there’s sometimes a tendency for some dispersion, and one often leaves the meeting with a sensation of not having taking the most out of it, spending a lot of time on a variety of subjects rather than concentrating on whatever specific research subject one is pursuing.
However in this case I was so far able to organize my interests in an easy way by using an app made available by the organization. This allowed me to pre-plan the meeting, and to get in touch with a really great number of presentations (both oral and poster) that I am really interested in.

It has just begun and so far it has really been a great meeting! | Impressum